Door to Door

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Mom and I are in the kitchen, and I'm helping her make empanadas. The dog, Stella, keeps whimpering and crying because she wants to have one, but she knows she can't. She does look cute as she's sitting down and staring at me with those big brown eyes. I love dogs and Stella, but sometimes, she can be a bit of a handful and a baby thanks to how Jay treats her. He treats her better than anyone in the family.

"Estella, stop it!" I scold her, getting annoyed. "You can't have one!"

Stupid dog.

Stella makes a little growl at me and I give a look right back.

"Gloria, how many times do I have to tell you to pull your car all the way in?" Jay says and sits on the stool by the kitchen island. He takes his glasses off. "The gate was open all night."

"We live in a nice neighborhood. What are you afraid of?" Mom asks. "That some money's gonna fly in, and then your gardener is gonna have to rake it up?"

"Jay, I'm going to need you to cut me a check." Manny says, approaching him.

 "What now?" Jay asks.

"Drama Club trip. Les Miserables," Manny answers. "We're selling wrapping paper to raise money for the tickets-"

"No, no, no. Wait, wait. Slow down. What's the story exactly?" Jay asks.

"Well, Jean Valjean spent nineteen years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread-" 

I roll my eyes because that's not the answer he wants.

"The wrapping paper-"

"Nineteen years for a loaf of bread? How good was this bread?" Mom asks curiously.

"It better be cinnamon and raisin bread." That's my favorite kind.

"It wasn't about the bread. It was about the society where-"

"Focus, people!" Jay exclaims, losing patience with them.

"Wrapping paper?" I scoff. "You guys could've sell something a lot better. Nobody would want that."

"Manny will make them want that." Jay tells me.

"Manny, we'll buy all your wrapping paper." Mom says.

"No, we won't. No, he's got to learn to sell. This is the best business training there is. Hell, the best life training. Manny, write this down," Jay says seriously. "A good salesman goes after Moby Dick in a rowboat and brings the tartar sauce with him."

I stare at Jay as if he lost his mind. Manny seems confused, too.

•          •          •

Stella is annoying Mom and I with her jumping and begging for food.

"Stella, down," Mom orders her, but she's still jumping. "Stella, no! This is very dangerous," But the more she keeps doing it, she keeps aggravating us.

"Mom..." I say, getting annoyed. "Control that dog or put her in the oven to make a hot dog for dinner instead."

"Okay, señorita, that's it," Mom runs out of patience with Stella and picks her up to take her to the door. "Come here, because Jay is gonna be very mad if something happens to you," She puts her down and opens the door so Stella can leave. "Go play with the ball! See you later." She closes the door, smiling.

"Finally!" I say with relief. "I love dogs, but Jay does have her really spoiled."

"Now we can cook. Do our empanada-" I look up at Mom when she suddenly stops talking. She looks scared and worried, and rushes back to the door. 

"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask her.

"The gate. Ay, no. The gate. The gate!" She panics. "Stella, come back!"

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