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What am I most afraid of?

Singing in public. I get major stage fright.

And as of right now, wondering if this pregnancy test will turn out positive.

Spoiler alert: It is.

I find that out in the bathroom when I can finally have it to myself. I feel like I want to cry and throw up at the same time.

It's been a couple of weeks since the last time Will and I had sex. My period is supposed to come a few days ago, but it didn't. I just missed my period. Ever since then, I've been feeling nauseous and puking. I notice my breasts getting bigger, but I assumed that I put on some weight.

But now I know what the real problem is.

The first most important thing I have to do is throw away the evidence of the pregnancy test. That's what I do and I go downstairs the same time as Manny. Ever since I found out that I'm probably pregnant, I've been totally stressed out over it, but try act normal on the outside.

"What's with you two?" Mom asks us.

"I don't feel so good." I frown.

"Yeah, I have a fever like what Vanessa has." Manny says.

"Oh, believe me, you don't have what I have, Manny." I shake my head.

"Ay, mi amores. Come here and I feel you." 

"Ooh, I don't wanna get you sick. It could be fatal." Manny backs away.

"Then by all means, stand next to me." Jay tells us, moving to the left to have his newspaper blocking us.

"Let me feel you," Mom approaches him anyway and checks his face and forehead. "Ay, Papi, but you're not warm."

"Uh, probably because you were cooking and your hands are warm. I better skip the party tomorrow just to be safe."

"Oh. Yeah, the party." Mom nods as Manny leaves. She looks at Jay, knowing why Manny doesn't want to go. 

"What?" Jay asks cluelessly.

"The party." Mom repeats herself. Even I get what she means.

Manny is afraid of rollercoasters. That's why he doesn't want to go. Not because he's sick.

"I understand about twenty percent of what goes on around here." Jay mutters as he reads the newspaper.

Mom rolls her eyes.

"Maybe I can talk to Manny-" I offer and I'm about to go upstairs, but not to Manny. I just want to escape instead of telling them my issue.

"Hold on, chica. You said you don't feel good too. Let me check you," She does the same examination like she did on Manny. "You don't feel warm either. Why are you kids lying?"

"You really want to know the truth?" I ask nervously.

"Yes, I do." 

"I'm pregnant." I reveal, making Mom shock and Jay drop his newspaper to look at me in shock too.

After getting over their initial shock, that's when Mom starts ganging up on me.

"Vanessa Xiomara Delgado, how can you be so stupid?! Getting yourself pregnant?!" Mom yells angrily at me and starts speaking in half English and half Spanish at a fast pace. I can barely keep up and I feel like I'm close to crying.

"Okay. Okay!" Jay bellows, sounding demanding. He makes Mom stop yelling. "First things first," He says firmly and looks at me as he stands up from the chair. "Now, Vanessa, did you take a pregnancy test to make sure that you're pregnant?"

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