Chapter 3: Graduation

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It was the last day of high school and they all were on the stage telling everyone what they were gonna do. Cain said he'd be an athlete. His girlfriend Emma Frost was gonna be work at a jewelry store. Erick wasn't gonna do anything apparently, Raven wasn't going to college or anything either, but Charles was going to college for politics, teaching, and many more things. He was always on top of his classes he was an A+ student. A couple days later Charles said goodbye to Erick and Raven. He drove away off to the New York University. Erick and Raven were left alone on the side of the street back to their meaningless life. Erick turned over to Raven and looked her dead in the eye. "I saw you at the bank. You won't tell anyone right," he said in a serious tone. Reaver looked scared what if he would kill her for being a witness she started to back up and he got closer. "I-I-I-I won't tell anyone I swear on my life," she said nervously. "Come with me or else," he said. Raven followed him through the streets and into the club. They went into the back room and Erick locked the door. There was the slimy guy standing next to him. The slimy man said something but it was not understandable. Erick picked up a metal ball with his powers. It lifted into the air and stayed there. " We know you are hiding something you have a mutation too," he said. Ravel wondered how he found out and the only logical explanation was that Charles had to of told him, but Raven continued to be calm. "Yes I do have a mutation and why am I her," she asked Erick who was glaring into her eyes. "We want to treat the humans the way they treat us," he said mischievously. Raven looked at Erick with confusion in her eyes. "We are going to rid the human race of the discrimination against mutants ," he said with integrity in his voice. "How we aren't going to kill them are we," Raven asked with concern in her voice. He though for a moment. "We will not kill them but inform them. So are you with us," he asked. Raven thought of the other kids in the orphanage being scared of her and the riot's against mutants. " I'll join you," she finally said. "We need more people to join the cause, I got a few people in mind," he said.

X-men Origins 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora