Chapter 13: The Machine

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Rogue woke up strapped down to a bed. She was in a small room built out of grey brick walls, no windows. The light flickered every couple second. She guessed she could be under ground. She tried to get out of the restraints, but she felt to weak. Did they inject her with something. The room door opened and it was Magneto. He sat on a stool next to the bed. "Why am I here," Rogue asked angrily. Magneto locked eyes with her. "You are here to help me," he said. She looked confused. "Hell no I won't help you with whatever your planning," she said. "You don't really have a choice in the matter," he said. He put a needle into her vein. He extracted the blood from her body. He put the blood in a testing tube. He moved on to the next thing. Several shots were injected and she tried to get out, but it was no use. Magneto injected the last shot. Rogue felt a sudden tiredness. Her mind was cloudy and filled with darkness. She tried to keep her eyes open, but the medication was too strong. Her eyes closed and she fell asleep. Mystique peeked through the door. She was worried for her. Mystique opened the door just as Magneto got up from beside the bed. "Get her prepared for the final step," Magneto said. Mystique grabbed onto the bed and pulled her to the lab.

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