Chapter 12: The Attack

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Cyclops knocked on Jean's door. She didn't answer. He opened the door and Jean was sitting on her bed. "Jean what did you see," he asked her. She looked at him her eyes tearing up a little. "It was horrible and sad," she said. Cyclops got on the bed and hugged her. She put her head on his shoulder. The rest of them sat downstairs at the med bay still contemplating Magneto's plan. "What are we going to do," Kitty asked. "We have to strike first," Colossus said. "Maybe we shouldn't take such an aggressive approach," Kitty said. "We might have to," Wolverine said. Colossus and Kitty walked out of the room holding hands. Iceman, Angel, Wolverine, And Storm were left in the room. "Angel your awfully quite," Storm said facing Angel. "I have nothing to say," he said and walked out of the room. Iceman followed after him. "It's just us now," Storm said. "We should probably get going to teach classes," Wolverine said. Storm nodded and they left the room. "I something no one should have seen," Jean said. Cyclops hugged her again.then the building shook. "What was that," Cyclops said. It shook again pieces of the building cracked off. An alarm sound ran through the building. The lights flickered with the booming sounds. They both got up from the bed and ran out the door. Wolverine and Storm ran to the Professor's office. They looked out the window and there was two people floating in the air. Giant metal pieces came crashing at the school. Juggernaut came crashing through the Professor's office wall. Storm struck the giant man with lightning and Wolverine got the Professor out of there. Colossus and Kitty blocked the door, but it was no use. A tall girl with purple hair and a blade coming from her hand came through the door. "Who are you," Colossus asked angrily. "The names Psylocke," she said. She slashed at Colossus, but he dodged and his skin turned to steel. Kitty hit her in the face and she swung her blade at her. Kitty went through the blade. "Kitty run," Colossus yelled to her. She ran from the entrance and up the stairs. She gathered students and Iceman soon came and helped. A metal chunk blasted through the wall and left a hole. Polaris floated through the hole in the wall. She looked at the children and smiled. "The poor little children," she said mischievously. Then she looked at Kitty and Iceman. "Where is she," she asked seriously. "Who would you be asking for," Iceman asked sarcastically. "You know who," Polaris said. "You'll never get her," Kitty yelled at her. Polaris grabbed a piece of metal and threw it at the students. Kitty grabbed on to all of them and they went through the metal. Wolverine got the Professor out of the school and went back in. He smelt something. Then Sabertooth jumped on to him. They tumbled on to the floor punching each other. "Wolverine," a student said. "Get out of here Sean. The kid screamed and Sabertooth flew off of him. "Gather some of the other kids and leave the school," Wolverine said sternly. He nodded and ran off. Cyclops and Jean ran through the school looking for Rogue. They went downstairs and they saw Mystique holding Rogue in her arms and Gambit was on the floor. "Drop her," Jean commanded. The Blob smashed through the ceiling and landed between Mystique and them. When he moved she was gone with Rogue. The Blob got closer filling up the corner of the hallway. Cyclops blasted at his arm and a his arm was burnt to a crisp. Havok cam up behind the blob and shot him with the laser coming from his chest. The Blob fell to the ground and whimpered. They ran up the stairs and the school was destroyed. All the students were out of the building, none had died that day. The X-men walked out of the school as it collapsed to the ground.

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