Chapter 7: New Memebers

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The man had black hair in a ducktail mutton chop combination. He was very strong and hairy. He had a white t-shirt on with jeans. He had claws coming from his knuckles area. They all looked at him in disbelief. "Who are you," Cyclops asked the man. "What does it matter too you," he asked in a scruffy voice. He picked up Sabertooth's body and walked out the door. "Wait come with us and join the X-men, the professor would be glad to have you," Angel said. The man thought about it for a moment. "Would I get food and shelter," he asked. "Yes of course," Angel said. "Fine I'm Logan," he said. "I'm Angel I'll introduce you to everyone," Angel said to him. The put Sabertooth on the jet and flew to Central Park. They picked up Storm's team and headed back to the school. Professor X was glad to have a new member and called him Wolverine. They put Sabertooth in a holding cell for now. The next couple days were normal. They trained and some of them taught classes. Wolverine had told them stories about his past. He used to have bone claws, but a scientist made his whole skeletal frame made of adamantium and he had a healing factor. Wolverine proved to be a strong member. Professor X wheeled himself to Cerebro. He put the helmet and saw all the mutants in the world. He was searching through the world when there was an unusual amount of energy coming from one part New York. He took off the helmet and went to the Black Bird immediately. "All X-men report to the black bird," he said over the intercom. All of them came right away. "We have an unusual amount of energy coming from Annabelle-On-Hudson," the Professor said. "What is it," Storm asked. "I think it's a mutant," Professor X said. They got on the Black Bird and flew to the area. It was a farm house and there was a truck outside floating. Some of the wood from the house was floating too. They landed next to the house and went inside. When they opened the door there was a girl floating. She had red hair and blue eyes. "Hello I am Professor Xzavier and these are my X-men," he said calmly. The girl looked at him. "Are you here to arrest me or kill me," she asked with tears running down her face. No we're here to help," Shadow Cat said and walked toward her. "Stop, stay away from me I don't want to hurt you," she said. "What do you mean," Wolverine said. She looked down to the ground and her parents were brutally mutilated. Blood splattered on the ground everywhere. Shadow Cat put her hand over her mouth at the sight of it. "We can help you Jean Grey," the Professor said. "How did you know my name," she asked. "I'm just like you Jean I can read other peoples thoughts," he said to her. "Please come down from there we won't hurt you," Cyclops said to her. The house slowly went down but then ammunition fired at the house and it went up immediately. "Did you guys do this," she asked in a fit of anger. "We didn't I swear," Havok yelled as they went up. "I don't believe you," she screamed. They went up higher and higher. They were starting to lose oxygen. Cyclops went up to her and held her face in his hands. "I know what it feels like to have your power out of control all the time and I know how it feels to lose your parents, but you need to calm down think of things you ca. still accomplish in life," he told her. A tear rolled down her cheek and they were in mid air just floating there. She stepped forward and hugged him, but suddenly she became limp and fainted. The house fell and everyone was yelling and screaming. The house was getting close to the ground when the Professor stopped it. Then the house landed softly on the ground. The police stepped back and they went onto the Black Bird and flew back to the school.

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