Chapter 14: The Big Battle

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The students huddled and hugged each other. The X-men regrouped in a big circle. Cyclops held Jean close to him and Wolverine clenched his fists. The Professor wheeled himself over to the big circle. "What are we going to do professor," Kitty said worriedly. "Rogue is gone and the world is doomed," Gambit said with hopelessness in his voice. Storm put her hand on his shoulder and he wiped a tear away from his face. "We have to save her," the professor said. "It's dangerous though," Cyclops said. "It's the only way," Wolverine growled. "Uncover the Black Bird," Xavier said. Jean let go of Cyclops and he went to the debris of the school. Colossus followed behind him and the rest of the X-men followed. They uncovered the the secret underground base that was under the school. The X-men squeezed through the debris and got into the halls of the underground base. It was dark and cloudy from the events that had just took place. Pipes were broken and gases sprayed out of them. Storm held up her hand and little lightning bolts came out of her hands lighting the hallway. Every step they took the whole building would creek and shake. Roots of plants stuck out of the walls. It looked like they were in an old haunted house. They got to the hangar and saw the jet. It was surrounded by large pieces of concrete. Colossus moved them and the jet was uncovered. There were big gashes in the sides of the jet, but they still got on it anyway. They flew out of the hangar into the night sky. Buses came and picked up the kids that stood outside the school. The flew over the town and saw people rioting against mutants the lights of the crowds lit up the sky. "Why can't we just have peace," Jean said looking out her window. She looked at Cyclops and he held her hand in his. "There will never be world peace Jean," he said. He caressed her cheek. Kitty laid her head down on Colossus' chest and Wolverine and Gambit argued like usual. "Uh oh," Beast said unsteadily. "What is it Beast," Storm said. They looked forward and Rogue was being put in a giant machine. Magneto and Mystique secured her hands and feet while Rogue was still asleep. The machine started and metal blades rose up and they spun around in the air. Beams of light shot out from the machine and blinded Storm and Beast. They turned around the Black Bird and landed on the ground. "We have to go quick," Gambit said. He ran into the building. The rest followed him. The building was a tall tower and furniture was scattered everywhere. They looked around and people were stuck to the wall. The lights slowly turned on and Polaris was floating in the air. "Well hello again," She said evilly. "Not this dumb bit-," before Wolverine could finish his sentence Sabertooth fell through the floor on to him. They clawed and scratched at each other. Juggernaut smashes through the ceiling and fell in. He tackled Colossus to the ground and they started to fight. Toad jumped from a beam onto Storm. She flew into the air trying to get him off. The blob smashed through one of the walls. "Not this guy again," Havok said. The blob charged at him and they fought again. Gambit threw his cards at the blob as they exploded. The rest of them fought against Polaris. Giant chunks of metal flew at them. One came hurdling at Beast and Jean forced it out of the way hitting the wall. They tried getting closer tk Polaris, but she kept hurdling them. Wolverine kicked Sabertooth across the room and he hit a desk. Sabertooth got up and lunged at Wolverine. Sabertooth ripped his shirt off and they kept fighting. The blob kept getting back up from the sonic blasts from Havok and the exploding cards from Gambit. Juggernaut punched Colossus in the throat and he fell over. Kitty punched at Juggernaut, but it was no use and he threw a piece of metal at her. She went through it and punched him in the lip. It started bleeding and he got enraged. Angel flew up to help Storm, but Toad's tongue was stuck in her hair. "Help me," Storm yelled. She spun around the room with Toad on her shoulders. Angel broke on of the windows and caught a shard of glass from the window.he flew back up to Storm and cut her hair off. The Toad fell to the floor and landed on his head. The blob eventually collapsed to the ground. Burns covered his body and he was knocked out. Wolverine and Sabertooth ran out of breath and sat on the ground. They looked away from each other. Wolverine looked back and Sabertooth was looking at him. "I'm tired of us fighting bub," Wolverine said. "So what are you saying," Sabertooth said in his gruff voice."Truce," he asked. He held out his hand and Sabertooth looked at it. "This isn't a trick right," he asked. "Just shake the hand," Wolverine said firmly. They shook hands and got up. Sabertooth left the building and Wolverine went up to Juggernaut. Juggernaut kept throwing chunks at Kitty. She was drained from her powers and she fell over. He held up a chunk of metal. He raised it up higher and Wolverine jumped on his neck scratching his face. Colossus got up a punched Juggernaut in the face and he fell over. Everyone was dodging the flying metal boulders. Polaris was enraged with power. She was out of control. Iceman created an ice path up to her, but the boulders smashed it. Havok blasted the boulders back. "You don't have to do this," Havok yelled. "There are people who love you and care for you." She looked down at him and tears formed into her eyes. "She's dead," she whimpered. "You can meet a new person you love and care for," he yelled. "You can't replace a mother," she said. The metal boulders started multiplying. "I l-l-lost my mother and father I know how it feels," he yelled. Tears dropped from her eyes. The boulders dropped and her eyes closed. Havok ran up and caught her. Iceman was jealous of him. They heard the screams of Rogue and left Kitty with Polaris since they were both drained. They went up the stairs to save Rogue.

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