Chpater 6: The Fist Mission

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"Can I have the X-men come to my office," Professor X said over the intercoms. All eight of the X-men made their way to his office. The X-men were 8 students selected to train and become superheroes because the rate of criminal activity in New York City was steadily rising and other mutants were using there powers against the city. There were two crimes happening at the same time so they split up. Cyclops' team was Angel, Colossus, and Shadow Cat. Storm's team was Beast, Havok, and Iceman. Cyclops' team dropped off Storm's team at Central Park where they were having an anti mutant festival.and then they flew to the city hall. There was a man three times bigger than all of the team combined, a blue woman with guns(they don't know who Raven is), and a man shooting fire from his hands. The team ran over too them and stopped them. "Why are you doing this too the people," Storm asked. "It's what they deserve," the fat man said. "They don't deserve to be tortured," Iceman said sternly. "Yeah right frosty the snowman," the fire man said. "Pyro let's not aggravate things,"the blue woman said. "Too scared to fight," Havok said. "Guys how about we deal with this peacefully," Beast said. "I'm not afraid to fight you it would be much easier if we didn't have to," the blue woman said. Pyro raised his hands and shot at Iceman. He dodged the blames and backed up. Storm flew to the air and Havok shot a sonic blast at the fat man. His belly jiggled and he fell over, but he got back up. The blue woman shot her guns at Beast, but he dodged them and clawed her. The fight had begun. Storm conjured up a tornado and it touched the ground. Iceman and Pyro got trapped in it. Havok blasted at the fat man, but he was just too big to knock over. The blue woman kicked and punched Beast." Blue woman we can settle this out," Beast said doing his best to dodge the punches so he didn't hurt her. "I have a name you know," she said. "What is it then," he asked her. "It's Mystique," she said while punching him in the chest. Beast fell backwards and Mystique put her foot to his throat. Mystique saw the suffering in his eyes. So she stopped and ran away from the fight. The blob saw her run away so he did too. Havok and Beast ran after them. Storm was watching the fight between Iceman and Pyro when a piece of metal cam flying at her. She fell to the ground unconscious. The tornado stopped and Pyro was frozen. Polaris flew down to Iceman and stood in front of him. "Who are you," he asked her. "I'm Polaris the daughter of Magneto. Polaris wrapped sheets of metal around Pyro and lifted him into the air. "See you around handsome," she said and flew to the sky taking Pyro with her. Meanwhile Cyclops' landed on a clear area of grass next to the city hall. People were screaming and getting thrown out the city hall windows. They got to one of the walls of the city hall and Shadow Cat stuck her head through the wall to see what was going on. "There are three criminals one with a long tongue, a really strong one with a helmet on, and one with sharp teeth and claws," she said. Angel picked up Shadow Cat and flew to the roof. Colossus and Cyclops walked through the doors. The criminals looked at them. "Who are you freaks," the sharp fanged man said. "We are the X-men and you are going to stop this madness," Cyclops said. The guy with the long tongue said something by nobody could understand it. "I think the circus should leave before they get hurt right Juggernaut," the fanged man said to the strong one. "Right Sabertooth," he said back to the fanged man. The criminals got closer and that's when Shadow Cat dropped from the window and landed on Juggernaut's head. Angel broke through the sky light and the long tongue man sprung his tongue out and hit one of the Angel's wings. He fell t on the ground trying to get the sticky tongue off. "Toad you are so worthless," Sabertooth said to the tongue man. Cyclops shot a laser at Juggernaut's helmet, but it bounced off. Sabertooth lunched at Colossus and Colossus turned his skin into steel. The claws scar arched against his skin making a large screeching sound. Cyclops tried to get Shadow Cat down but he couldn't. Juggernaut ran towards the wall and knocked Shadow Cat off his head. She fell to the floor unconscious. Colossus when to her aid and sat beside her. His skin was no longer steel. Sabertooth clawed at his shoulder and it started bleeding. Cyclops blasted his leg and the fleshed burned. He screamed in pain and tackled him to the ground. Angel had punched Toad and he still wasn't coming off. He finally just cut one of his feathers off. Juggernaut came back and Colossus punched right in the face. He fell over to the ground and Colossus continued to hold Shadow Cat in his arms. Sabertooth stepped closer to Angel. Slowly and quietly getting there. He raised his hand up in the air about it claw open his throat when a dark figure came down from the ceiling and brought him to the floor.

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