Chapter 16: Re-Opened

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A couple months after the rescue of Rogue the school was rebuilt. Students were allowed back in and the school was up and running again. Jean Grey became a politician for mutant rights along with Xavier. Iceman healed from his injury and Polaris became mentally stable and became Havok's girlfriend. Storm made trips to Africa donating money and food to the people. Mystique joined the X-men. "Xavier," Jean Grey said coming through the door. "Yea Jean," he said calmly. " I feel out of control again." He put his hand on his chin. "Stay calm everything is ok." She looked at him with a tear in her eye. " I think I just saw the apocalypse." "Tell me about it," he said. "Everyone was gone and everything was burning." She started panic. "Did you see anyone also besides you I need you to think Jean," he said sternly. She looked confused and then her face became more panicked. She cries and worked up the courage to say it. "There was a man and he was standing on the debris of the school, but he wasn't human," she said. "Then what was he," he asked. "I don't know, all I know is that he wanted everyone dead," she said. "Thank you Jean you can go now," he said in a puzzled manner. Jean walked out of the room and closed the door.

The End

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