Chapter 8: Gambit and Rogue

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A baby's cry flooded the hallway with the noise. Everyone in the room was scared of the baby. It had pointed ears like an elf, it had red eyes, and blue skin. He had three fingers on each hand. Raven was scared so that night she wrapped the baby in a blanket put him in a cardboard box and dropped him in the river. She watched as the box fell down the giant waterfall. She cried herself to sleep every night thinking about her abandoned child. A few years later she came across a teenager in an alley way crying so she decided to go over to her. "Hey what's wrong shouldn't you be home with your family," Raven said to her worriedly. "My family kicked me out of the house," she said still crying. "Why would your family do that," Raven asked feeling her heart sink. "I tried kissing my boyfriend, but suddenly he started to freak out like I was taking something from him and he died," she said. Raven though a moment and leaned into hug her. "No no don't touch me," she yelled quickly. "I was just gonna give you a hug," Raven said. "It's not you it's me whenever I touch someone they begin to freak out," she said. "Would you want to come live with me," she asked her. "The girl looked at Raven and she started to cry even more. "You want to take me in," she asked. "I was at a point in my life like you and no one was there to help me so I want to help you," Raven said. "What's your name," the girl asked. "You can call me Raven or Mystique," she said. "I'm Anna Marie, but people call me Rogue," she said. Rogue got up and followed Raven back to the club. Magneto was working on getting a better lair, but this was it for now. The others were surprised to see a new member. Rogue took every test of loyalty and passed she became an important member. A couple years passed with great training and a mission came up. She had to some how had to capture Ms. Marvel. They set up a trap. They would pretend to do a crime. They set everything up and everyone had their roles. Mystique a young woman was being robbed by a creep, who was Toad. Ms. Marvel flew right in and gave Toad a beating. Rogue snuck up behind her and grabbed her shoulders and she flew away. Rogue was holding onto her for dear life and she was slowly getting drained. Her body got limp and they both started falling. A rush of memories came into Rogue's head and they weren't hers. She felt stronger in a way and before they could hit the ground she flew. She set Ms. Marcel on the ground and she was unconscious. She called 911 and flew away. She had got more powers and weird memories. After that incident she continued to become more powerful. One day she heard plans Magneto had for her. She had to get out of the Brotherhood of Mutants fast. She told Mystique and she gave her permission to run away. The first place she stopped was a bar. She sat on a bar stool and ordered a beer. A man in a brown trench coat and compelling pink glowing eyes sat in a bar stool next to her. "Hey lovely lady," he said in a seductive voice. "Hello," she said back to him. "I was wondering if I could order you a drink," he asked her. "Sure I could use another beer," she said. He ordered another beer and handed it to her. "So what's your name sugar," he asked her. "I'm Anna Marie," she said to him. "They call me Gambit," he said as he pulled out a deck of cards. "Want to play a round," he asked her. "Sure," she said. He felt out the cards and they played for a couple hours. As they played she told him her story. "I don't know where I'm gonna go after this," she said. "Well I was thinking of going to this school called Xzavier's School For Gifted Youngsters," he told her. "I think I'll go with you," she said. "Ok wanna come stay at my place for the night then," he asked her. She debated for a while then she finally agreed. The next morning they drove to the school and got enrolled. They got to meet everyone and they became X-men.

Authors Note
Just wanted to give you a refresher on everyone's name and superhero name if anyone of you are confused.
Charles Xzavier/Professor/Professor X
Raven/ Mystique
Ororo Munroe/Storm
Scott Summers/Cyclops
Bobby Drake/Iceman
Warren Worthington III/Angel
Kitty Pryde/ Shadow Cat
Piotr Rasputin/ Colossus
Jean Grey
Anna Marie/Rogue
Remy LeBeau/Gambit

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