chapter five ~ dragon, or not

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After breakfast that morning, Aegon and her brothers had informed Jaenys to meet them in the Dragonpit, and to not tell Aemond. Jaenys knew they were most certainly up to no good, but nevertheless, she agreed.

"Okay, so what exactly is the deal here?" Jaenys placed her hand on her hip, switching her gaze from Aegon, to Lucerys, to Jacaerys.

"We are going to tell Aemond we have a dragon for him, but we actually don't, it's a pig!" Aegon cackled, and her brothers giggled, too.

She shook her head. "So, Uncle, not only are you playing a cruel joke on your brother, but you're also corrupting my brothers?"

He stopped, and thought. "Well, if you want to say it like that, it sounds worse than it is. But, I suppose it is what I'm doing."

She crossed her arms, looking at her brothers. "He paid you, didn't he?"

Aegon stepped towards her. "Is that really what you think of me, my dear niece?"

"It's exactly what I think." She glared up at him. He stepped back, scoffing.

"I cannot believe you think I would do something like that." Aegon crossed his arms.

Jacaerys looked at his sister. "He did pay us..."

Jaenys patted his head. "I knew it."

"You wanted me to show up, so here I am, Brother..." Aemond sighed.

"Okay. Lucerys, it's your turn," Lucerys ran, and returned, with a pig. "See, Brother? You can't have a dragon, so we got you a pig instead!" Aegon cackled, and Jaenys's brothers stifled their giggles, Jacaerys doing a better job than Lucerys.

"Aegon..." Jaenys had an angry look in her eyes.

Aemond frowned, sighing again, and walking away from them.

After he left, Aegon spoke. "Okay, that was pretty funny, you have to admit."

Jaenys shook her head, but one of the corners of her lips tilted up. "Kind of, but I also feel bad for him..."


There was news that their father's sister, Laena Velaryon, had passed away. Alicent's family, and Rhaenyra's family were currently travelling to pay their respects. Jaenys had always been close with her cousins, Baela and Rhaena, and even with her aunt, Laena.

Once they had arrived, Jaenys immediately walked towards her cousins. "I'm really sorry about your mother..."

Baela smiled sadly. "Thank you..." Baela and Rhaena hugged their cousin. Eventually, Jaenys's brothers went to talk with their cousins, and Jaenys went to find Aemond. While she walked, she noticed her mother and Daemon talking together, looking a little too friendly. She ignored it, and continued her search. Eventually, she found him, seated on a concrete bench.

"Hey... I never got to talk to you after what your brother did... I'm sorry, I didn't know what he was up to." Jaenys fluffed her navy dress out before sitting beside him.

He shook his head. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault."

Her hand hesitantly hovered above his, before she placed her gloved hand on his. He looked at her, feeling the coolness of her navy satin glove. "You will get a dragon someday, I'm sure."

"I don't know... thank you for trying to make me feel better." Aemond smiled, turning his hand up, and holding hers.


"Jaenys, Jacaerys, Lucerys, get up!!" The three children of Rhaenyra were awoken abruptly by their cousins.

"What is it?" Jaenys rubbed her green eyes, that threatened to close. 

"Somebody had stolen Vhagar!" Baela's eyes were wide. The five ran down, Jaenys tying her silky lavender robe as they ran. There, they saw Aemond, mounting Vhagar.

"Aemond, what are you doing?" Jaenys stepped protectively in front of the children.

Aemond walked towards them. "I'm getting my dragon, one way or another."

"That is our dragon!" Baela and Rhaena stepped forward, only to get hit and pushed down my Aemond. They screamed, and Jaenys glared, fire in her emerald eyes. The boys stepped forward,  fighting their uncle.

"Stop, please! Someone might get seriously hurt!" Jaenys hugged her cousins close, rubbing their backs as they cried. 

"All three of you are bastards." Aemond pushed Jacaerys, then Lucerys, and attempted to hit his niece. She grabbed his fist, before he could land it. Just then, Aemond screamed, clutching his eye. 

Lucerys looked shocked. "My eye! He cut my eye!"

"What is going on?!" The adults came down, to see what had happened.

After explaining what had happened, Jaenys spoke up. "He called us bastards."

Rhaenyra gasped, and Viserys stepped towards Aemond. "Who told you that?"

Aemond stayed quiet, and looked at his brother. "It was Aegon."

Viserys glared at his first-born son. "Aegon... where did you hear that?"

Aegon looked at the ground. Viserys yelled. "Aegon!!"

"Okay, look. It was kind of obvious." Aegon looked at Jaenys and her brothers with a judgemental look. 

Alicent stepped forward, knife in hand, pointing it at Lucerys. "He took my son's eye... So... I shall take his." 

Jaenys stepped in front of her brother, and Rhaenyra grabbed Alicent's wrists, restraining her. "Alicent, stop!" She sobbed, glaring at Rhaenyra.

"Alicent..." Viserys sent a warning glance at his wife.

"B-But... he took my son's eye!" Alicent sobbed harder, eyes widening with madness. Rhaenyra grabbed her wrist, as Alicent's dagger cut her. She clutched her wrist, watching the crimson liquid drip from the slice.

"We are leaving. At once." Rhaenyra gestured for her children to follow. Jaenys looked momentarily at her betrothed, who stared back. She didn't know what to think of him. That was the last she saw of him. Until, she made an appearance 10 years later.

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