chapter twelve ~ the true queen

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*mild mentions of birth! enjoy the chapter.*

They had arrived at Dragonstone after a long flight on dragon-back. Jaenys stroked Serenys's neck, and stretched out her stiff back.

Rhaenyra came up to her daughter. "I know you miss him. But... in all honesty, I do not have a good feeling about Alicent. That is why we left."

"I understand, Mother, you needn't explain it." Jaenys gave her mother a reassuring nod. 

"I suggest getting some rest, all of you," Rhaenyra addressed her four children, and Daemon. "As there will be a council tomorrow." 

They bowed their heads, heading to their chambers. 


Rhaenyra was not able to attend the council. Her baby was due, way too early. Her agonizing screams were heard from upstairs.

Jaenys cringed, hearing her mother in such pain.

A maid came in. "I am terribly sorry to interrupt, but Princess Rhaenyra has requested your presence, Princess Jaenys."

Her brothers looked at her. She had an uncertain look in her emerald eyes. She looked at Daemon for permission to go, and it was granted. "Thank you. Bring me to her." Jaenys's black cloak flowed, and her heels clicked as she walked up the stone steps.

Jaenys was outraged. Her mother was on the floor, the midwives standing idly by. "Why is nobody helping her?!" Jaenys yelled.

"She told us not to, Princess... she won't allow it." One of them spoke.

"Jaenys... come here." Rhaenyra weakly held her hand out towards her daughter. 

Rhaenyra clutched her gloved hand tightly. "Mother..." Jaenys frowned, hearing her screaming.

"Get it out!" Rhaenyra pleaded.

Jaenys shook her head. "I can't... please, let them help you."

"No!" Rhaenyra had clenched teeth, and was pushing hard. 

Jaenys sighed at her mother's stubbornness. Finally, she had finished her labour. Only to find out that the baby was a stillborn.

Her mother began to cry, cradled the still child in her arms. Jaenys sat next to her, wrapping her arm around her mother's shoulders.

"I am so sorry, Mother..." She stroked her mother's back slowly.

"Go back to the council, Jaenys..." 

"Yes, Mother."

She returned, and all eyes were on her. She took her spot beside Jacaerys and Daemon, neatly folding her hands behind her back, only to be concealed by her cloak. 

"This council shall now come to a close." Daemon announced. Jaenys turned to leave, only to feel her step-father grab her forearm.

"Yes, My Prince?" Jaenys looked at Daemon.

"Rhaenyra..." Daemon looked down. "Is she alright?"

Jaenys stayed silent, her gaze trained on the ground in front of her. "It was a stillborn..."

Daemon nodded, clenching his jaw. "Thank you, my step-daughter."

"I am sorry for your loss..." Jaenys gave him a comforting smile. He nodded his thanks, and Jaenys left.


Jaenys had her hand on Joffrey's shoulder, and Jacaerys and Lucerys stood on either side of their sister. Daemon and Rhaenyra stood at the front, mourning the loss of their child. Baela and Rhaena were there, too, as was Rhaenys, and a few other people.

As the service was beginning to come to a close, a knight approached. It turns out it was Ser Erryk.

Some other knights drew their swords. "I mean no harm, brothers."

Ser Erryk kneeled, revealing a gold band, which was a crown. "I swear to ward the Queen. With all my strength... and give my blood for hers," Daemon took the crown in his hands, and examined the emblem of House Targaryen carved into the front. "I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall guard her secrets, obey her commands, ride at her side, and defend her name and honour."

Daemon looked back at his wife. He placed the gold band atop her her head. It complimented the beautiful strands of platinum hair that fell down her back. Daemon kneeled.

"My Queen..." Daemon looked up at Rhaenyra.

Jaenys was next, kneeling before her mother. The Queen. Her brothers kneeled, and this caused everyone else to kneel. Rhaenys did not, but looked proud nevertheless.

Rhaenyra nodded at Jaenys.

Jaenys stood. "Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of her name, Queen of the Andals, The Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, protector of the realm."

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