chapter sixteen ~ provoked

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Jaenys and Jacaerys had spent the evening comforting their mother, and each other, as well. Eventually, Daemon told the two to head to their chambers to get some rest. Of course, they didn't listen. Instead, they headed outside, looking at the beautiful midnight sky.

"I can't believe... I failed to protect him." Jaenys looked down, tears threatening to spill again.

Jacaerys put his hand on his sister's shoulder. "You couldn't have stopped that. Dragons are unpredictable, and even though they listen to us, they still have minds of their own..."

"You're right, Brother..." Jaenys smiled weakly at Jacaerys. They sat until the hour was late, discussing the happy memories of their younger brother. Eventually, they decided to head inside, and get some rest.


The next morning, when Jaenys was walking down the hall, she felt a tug on her skirt. She looked down to see her youngest brother, Joffrey.

"Hello, Joffrey." Jaenys knelt down to be at eye-level with her brother.

"Jaenys..." Joffrey's small voice sounded almost sad. "Where is Luke?"

Jaenys bit her lip. Joffrey and Lucerys had always been close. Joffrey admired him, and they would often train together.

"Well... our brother is no longer here... he is with the gods now." Jaenys's eyes threatened to overflow with salty tears, like a goblet filled to the brim with wine.

"Oh... does that mean I can't train with him anymore?" This sentence broke her.

She smiled, holding his delicate hand in her gloved one. "Unfortunately... but, I would be happy to teach you, as would Jace."

His small hand rubbed over her silky gloves. "I'm going to find Jace." And with that, he ran off to find his older brother. She dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief, and continued on to find her mother. 

She eventually found Rhaenyra, sitting with her half-brothers, Aegon and Viserys.

"Hi, Mother." Jaenys offered Rhaenyra a weak smile, gesturing for her to take one of the kids.

Rhaenyra handed Viserys to her, and Jaenys sat down. "Oh, Darling, you look awful. When was the last time you got sleep?"

Jaenys sighed. "I don't know..."

"Darling, you mustn't blame yourself. It was not your fault. I promise. This has been hard in everyone, but I cannot imagine how hard it must've been for you to have witnessed it first hand. But, you must try to take time for yourself. It's what Luke would want..." Rhaenyra placed her hand gently on her daughter's shoulder, stroking it with her thumb.

"Thank you, Mother..." Jaenys's lip quivered as she smiled.


She eventually did get some sleep, after having a warm bath with essential oils. As she lay in bed, she stroked her hand over the growing bump on her stomach. She smiled, knowing that her son was in there. She thought about Aemond. She certainly was not very happy with her husband at the moment. Sending their son off to marry one of Lord Baratheon's daughters, and then, his dragon murdering her brother. 

She still loved him. She still felt for him. She knew he felt sorry for killing Lucerys. At least, she hoped so. 

Sure enough, the next day she received a letter from Aemond.

My Dearest Jaenys,

Words are simply not enough to describe the guilt I feel. I never got along well with your brothers, and in all honesty, I didn't like them much. But, I would never wish death upon them. Because I know what it would do to you. I truly didn't mean for Vhagar to do what she did. I hope you and your family are healing well.

I will see you soon,


Somehow, the letter made her more angry. For no particular reason. Perhaps it was the fact that the situation was finally being addressed. All she knew, was that their families simply could not get along.

And she knew that if it came down to it, she would fight for her family, her mother, The Queen, until her very last breath.


sorry for the lack of updates, i've been super busy. and, thank you so much for all the support on this book! it means a lot <3

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