chapter eight ~ dinner gone wrong

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know the dinner comes after the questioning in the show, but this book isn't going to follow the plot entirely. enjoy the chapter!

"Princess Jaenys Velaryon, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, and Prince Lucerys Velaryon, first of their names." The knight announced as they entered the dining hall. Aemond's eye soaked up every detail of Jaenys's body. He did feel bad about where his eye travelled, but he couldn't help it. Jaenys took her seat next to Aemond.

"You look... absolutely ethereal..." Aemond leaned in to whisper in her ear. 

"My brother is correct once again... Long time, no see, my princess." Aegon winked, placing his hand on her thigh.

Aemond glared daggers at his brother, and Jaenys moved his hand away. "Please don't touch me..." Aegon rolled his eyes, downing his first cup of wine that night. The chatting died away as the king was brought in on his chair.

"My family... it is wonderful to have you all here..." Viserys sounded weak, and barely managed to stand up. "So... I wish for you to see me, as I am," he removed the golden cover from his eye, and it landed on the table with a thud. Most let out a slight gasp, while Alicent merely stared off into space. "Now... let us eat..." He put the cover back on.

Rhaenyra stood. "I wish to make a toast. First, to my father, who is not well, but still managed to come here tonight. We are eternally grateful for you, my king. And, second, to his lady wife, Alicent. I've never met anyone as dedicated as you. You always are there to help my father, and we also owe a great debt to you..." Rhaenyra raised her cup, and sat down.

Alicent hesitated before deciding to get up. "That was very kind of you, Princess. Now, in return, I wish to toast to Rhaenyra. She made the journey here, and brought her lovely children with her."

Jaenys stood next, glancing at each person at the table. "I wish to toast to my brothers, Jace, Luke, and Joffrey, who isn't present at dinner tonight, but we shall include him regardless. They are the lights of my life, and I could not be more proud of them." Jaenys drained her cup right there, still standing, and wiping the drips of the red liquid with her hand, before taking her seat. Aegon applauded her, and she glared.

Helaena quietly stood, rather awkwardly. "Uhm... well, I wish to toast to my husband, Aegon... who doesn't pay me much attention... except when he's drunk..." She awkwardly smiled, and sat down, Daemon erupting into laughter at her stab at Aegon.

And, finally, Daemon stood. "One last thing. I speak on behalf of both Rhaenyra and me. We have arranged, and we decided that Jacaerys and Baela shall be wed, and Lucerys and Rhaena will be wed." Everyone clapped. Her brothers and her cousins smiled at each other.

Now, the dinner began for real. Jacaerys was a gentleman, and offered to dance with Helaena. Eventually, Aemond offered to dance with Jaenys, and they performed the same dance they performed all those years ago. Once the pairs sat down, a pig was brought to the table, placed right in front of Aemond. Lucerys and Jacaerys chuckled, causing Jaenys to nearly choke on her wine.

Aemond slammed his fist on the table, and stood up, cup in hand. "Final tribute. First, to my beautiful niece, Jaenys, who is strong, elegant, and swift," she gave a tentative smile to her betrothed. "And, to my nephews, Jace, Luke, and Joffrey... each of them handsome, wise... strong..."

Jacaerys stood. "I dare you to say that again."

"What? It was only a compliment. Do you not think yourself strong?" Jacaerys punched him, and Aemond pushed her brothers to the ground.

"Aemond, stop!" He pushed Jaenys away, and that hurt her.

"Aemond, what are you doing?" Alicent sounded weary.

He looked at his mother. "I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family, mother. Though it seems they aren't quite as proud of theirs!"

Daemon stood in front of Aemond, and Jaenys stood protectively in front of her brothers. Aemond left the dining hall, and the dinner was brought to a close.

Jaenys hesitantly stood in front of the door that lead to Aemond's chambers. She knocked lightly. The door opened, revealing her betrothed in his bathrobe.

"Can I help you, Princess?" Aemond smiled.

"Uhm..." She couldn't find the words.

Aemond tilted her chin up, teasingly staring into her green eyes. "What, cat got your tongue, my love?"

She nodded a little, and he gently pulled her into the room with him.

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