Forgiving and Forgetting

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In misery I remain, can't seem to let go of certain things. As truer colours are discovered, new sides and pathetic excuses of lies are thrown about; acts perhaps. I ask myself everyday, one question: What did I see in you?

Had I known what a terrible person in character you are, I'd never fall in love. But was it even love? Is yet another question. Being new to it all, it was an entirely new feeling discovered, a feeling I never wanted to forget. One so passionate and kind, caring and loving. A magnet to my soul, my heart called out to yours.

I've come to open my eyes- truly open them, and before me, I saw how blinded I was by this love you pretended to show. And now I know what type of person you truly are, one which doesn't hold much good as I thought I saw, but one which deceives, lies, fakes, manipulates and is not loyal.

I look at myself, and I see myself deserving better- because I do. I was everything good to you, I was there for you, through heart and soul, mind and thoughts. But your betrayals could never be forgotten, I'll learn to forgive but forgetting is something else.

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