For Once And All

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The thought of seeing you again crosses my mind, a smile- one from the past, reaches my lips. But then, hit with the wind of reality, you are not someone to call 'mine' again. And as everyday goes along normally, stuck in time I've seemed to be in. 

The precious memories of us loop in my mind in an endless void of your laughter, your smile, your words that were meant for me, the 'I love you's' and the look of love, adoration and care in your eyes.

I know when I do see you, my heart will be crushed as the high, useless hopes I stand high with, falls with much disappointment as you embrace her, the same way you did to me. Such a clever way of punishing me for loving someone, for loving you.

And so it'll be until it finally kills me inside, until I can't take it no more and my world comes crashing to the floors of destruction once more; for once and for all.

Eunoia • Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now