Darling, My Love Is Intense

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The way I love is intense.

I can never miss a chance to appreciate you, to admire and adore, to cherish you. I fall in love hard and love hard. With each second, my heart will worship even your mere existence. I'll never seem to get tired of you, loving you would be a blessing.

Your gaze is magical, I can see myself drowning in those sparkling dark orbs of yours. Darling, even the moon and stars can't begin to compete with such beauty of yours. An angel from the celestial above, indeed, you are.

I wish to help take the troubles that weighs on your tensed shoulders and kiss all your tears away when you are hurting by reality's cruelty. I wish to walk besides you until you don't need me anymore, I wish to be that person to watch you grow into a better version of yourself.

And even if being happy means hurting myself in the process, then so shall it be. I'll play some part in the reason of your happiness, than be the one hurting you and taint the love you've given me as it'd turn into hatred.

This is what I ask of you, my darling, accept this deep, tainted soul- my love is what I have to offer, with all and with everything in me.

Darling, my love is intense.

Eunoia • Book TwoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ