Chapter One

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Breathe in. Breathe out.

The scenery out of the window had changed from the fields and rivers to roads, bridges and buildings. I knew I had only a few minutes before the train would arrive at Ashetown. This town used to be my home, but for now, I will be welcomed as a guest.

My eyes closed on their own accord as I messed with the wristband Cassie had made for me years ago and started counting slowly. 1, 2, 3...

... 247. 248. 249-

"Welcome to Ashetown. The train departed from Vansberg has arrived on Platform 5. Thank you for travelling with us, and we hope you had a comfortable journey. Enjoy your stay." The speaker announced. Commotion brew as everyone grabbed their bags and made their way towards the gates.

"Please mind the gap between the train and the platform edge to ensure safety."

I grabbed my brown duffle bag and grey suitcase and stepped into the semi-filled station. There were a lot of passengers who had their friends and family waiting to welcome them with hugs and smiles. As much as my lips didn't want to, they turned up, feeling the joy in the environment this morning, a week before Thanksgiving.

Maybe my family would have also been here if they knew I was coming. I surveyed the platform to find them, though it was wishful thinking to expect them to welcome me.

I both waited and dreaded our next meeting. It had already been a year and three months.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I moved towards the exit and took the cab to my new abode.


"106 Fir Street." I read out to the driver from my past texts with the landowner. According to my conversation with her, I'll be sharing a house with two other boys. One of them was a computer science major in his second year, and the second was in his third year, studying something related to design.

I transferred to this university and enrolled in their finance program in my third year. If not for my good grades and an impressive interview, the admissions office was far from accepting my urgent request. The academic year had already started a little over a month ago. Hopefully, I will be able to catch up soon enough and smoothly adjust to the town I spent my childhood in.

A familiar neighbourhood came into view as we neared my destination, however temporary.

"Excuse me uh-," I began to say,

"Joe." The driver filled in his name for me to continue.

"Excuse me, Joe. Would you mind making a halt near the tree across the house on the left side? The one painted chrome yellow with plenty of flowers on the fence." I asked him, to which he responded by nodding and following.

I could feel his eyes on me as I made no move to get out. I couldn't right now, I thought to myself, as much as I wanted to.

The lush green grass outside the gate seemed healthy as ever, and the types of flowers along the fence had more than doubled in the past two years. It wasn't surprising since grandpa Blake was fond of gardening and so was Alice, my little sister.

Whatever luck might be, the door of the particular house opened. Grandma Elle came out, one hand pulling a 13-year-old boy in thick-framed spectacles behind her and another holding a bag meant for grocery shopping. A chuckle escaped my mouth when I noticed a novel in my brother's hand, hidden behind his back and away from gran's eyes as they walked down the few stairs outside. He was the same Reece I remembered, head always in a book.

"Gran! He took his book!" Came another voice. The distance might have blocked the words if not for her loud voice. Alice appeared at the door and rushed down only to grab the book out of her twin's hand and run back in to escape.

"Reece, I said no more novels for you!" Gran scolded the boy, who had already rushed behind his sister.

The scene was unfolding before my eyes when Joe called out. "Do you know them?"

His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. Of course, the driver would be confused: I am staring creepily at what he thinks are strangers, I told myself. It's called stalking. I could've said it was my family I was looking at, but I refrained.

"Just some old neighbours. I shifted houses recently."

"Don't you want to go and say hi?" I did.

"Not really. Let's go."

I had spent a lot of time looking for a room near my grandparents' place. Generally, student accommodations were barely found in this area, yet somehow I did. The surprising part was when I was told that my roommates and the landowner's daughter went to the same university I enrolled in. It was an hour away and choosing two hours of travel, to and fro, five days a week is something one thinks about.

Knowing that my family would be nearby comforted me a little. I hadn't even looked at the room when I transferred the rent. Fortunately, it looked like a decent house and comfortable room once I received the pictures.

We drove around for a few minutes before Joe asked me to ask someone to confirm the address. The street was empty except for a short guy with choppy black hair, who we happened to be walking on the footpath only a few meters away.

I got out of the car and called, "Excuse me."

When I got no response after calling out one more time, I walked quickly to catch up with him. He was maybe 5'3 in height and wore a collared sky blue t-shirt with 'B & R' printed on the back and knee-length light brown cargo shorts.

I put a hand on his shoulder, only for him to pull away and turn.

All the thoughts flew out of my mind when I was met with the fiercest brown orbs glaring at me.

"What the hell do you want?" She glowered.


Happy reading!

- Sam <3

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