Chapter Six

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The hallway was bustling with dimwits returning to their classes after the bell rang, signalling the end of the break.

"Leah! Leah!"

I slowed down when I heard one of the few sensible voices in school. On turning back, a girl in an oversized cream t-shirt, black slacks, and maroon beanie was seen making her way to me. She barely missed a few elbows and bags capable of knocking her to the ground. Knowing her capability to trip on her own feet without trying, I felt like congratulating her on reaching me safely.

"What?" I asked. Although Sandra was a junior, she was better than half of the students in my senior year. We had met through the Star's Read Magazine Team two years back when she joined as a freshman. Star's Read was the monthly inter-school magazine, in which 5-6 students from each high school were a part.

While I was their photographer for the past three years, Sandra was our famous cartoonist. The comic was a new addition to our content after she amazed everyone with her previous comics.

"Magazine meeting after school at Winnie's Snacks and Cakes; members from all schools will be there." She informed me, a questionable edge of worry in her tone.

With squinted eyes, I looked at her. "Why is there a meeting now?"

"Um. He, uh, wants to see the first draft of my comic." The emotion was justified because the current month's magazine was published a week ago, and there had been little time to gather new content.

"The deadline is set for after two weeks. Did Trevor ask the others for the same?"

She shook her head in a negative response. Something clicked in my mind, and the confusion cleared. My fingers curled into a fist.

Adjusting my bag after hearing her answer, I muttered, "Looks like last time was not enough."

Sandra's eyes widened. She quickened her steps to match mine as I walked to the empty classroom on the first floor, where most of our meetings happened.

"What are you going to do, Leah?" Caution alerts could be heard in her voice.

"Just talk."

"Last time you said that he ended up with a bruised nose and you with a detention." She was right and I thought that would knock some sense into him. However, some people do not know when to stop. By some people, I meant Trevor.

"Yeah? Well, this time, I will be kicking instead of punching. Never mind that. Kicking and punching seem like a tempting option."

The classroom was almost in our view. Even if there was little chance of finding him there because classes were going on, it was worth a try. In the side view, I noticed Sandra taking a quick run to jump in front of me.

"I'm not a raging bull, Sandra." She just raised an eyebrow, making me huff and stop. I tried to explain, "You know why he is doing this, and you should stop letting him walk all over you."


"Oh, look what the cat dragged in." A smug voice said. We shifted to face it properly. Blonde hair, square face and bulky body- Trevor. The sound of the classroom door opening must have missed our notice during our conversation.

"Yeah, you. But, that is common knowledge." I started walking to him, arms crossed. "What I want to know is why Sandra keeps getting this special treatment from you."

"Oh, she went crying to you once again." Trevor mocked the junior, who had half hidden behind me.

"You were planning to call her out in front of the committee for not completing her work before the deadline, really?" He took a step ahead, hoping to intimidate me. I did the same and whispered to him, "Do you like getting punched by me that much?"

The smug look wavered for a second before he composed himself, "That was one time." His eyes moved to Sandra.

"And you, is your brother not here to protect you that you need to hide behind this boy?"

You are a girl. The words repeated in my head. Zach's first impression of me. He had assumed me to be a boy from how I looked. It was not about him, it was about every other person who judged me before even looking at me properly. Judgemental morons, each one of them.

The hand on my shoulder loosened. She came beside me, her jaw tightened while Trevor continued speaking. "Look at her, there is nothing girly about her- not even her hair. Tell me, Leah, how many times have you been mistaken for a boy-,"


"My nose!" He screamed. My jaw dropped because for once, that was not my doing. I looked at Sandra, Ms. Goody Two Shoes, who was fuming. It was a sight I had never witnessed in the past one and a half years of being friends with her. She stood in front of a cowering Trevor and pointed threateningly.

"Do not dare talk about my brother."

"What is happening here? Why are you all not in your classes?" A stern voice boomed. Shit, Mrs. Trina. Sandra turned to me, both surprise and fear clear in her wide eyes. 'Looks like she had no clue that she could do something like this,' I thought. Then a third emotion appeared on her face- pain. Our eyes travelled to her right fist at the same time.

"Ouch." She squeaked.

"Mr. Parkinson and Leah, why does this keep happening between you two?" The teacher had reached us and stood near Trevor. "Earlier, there were loud arguments, and now you have gotten to punching. Even you, Ms. Smith, I did not expect you to have a part in this." The disappointment showed in her expression.

"She punched me!" He exclaimed, holding his jaw. Sandra was about to open her mouth, but I held her hand subtly, "Of course I did- you were spewing bullshit."

"Mind your language!"

Before Trevor could find a way to play more of a victim and get out of this mess, I decided to complain. I knew it would have the desired effect because he was unworthy of the position he held on the team. Mrs. Trina was sincere and impartial- it irked her to see a student get special treatment because their parents were trustees in the school.

"He called the magazine committee meeting to get the comic's draft before time, only to embarrass Sandra in front of all the members."

"Is that true, Ms. Smith?"

After getting a positive response, she focused on Trevor and me. "Detention for a week for both of you. Trevor, I am going to talk to the principal about your position in Star's Read," Yes! I fist bumped in my mind, "and I'm calling your parents, Leah?"

"What? No!" I spoke out before I could help myself. "I mean, what is the need for that?"

She gave me a pointed look. Of course, I knew the need for that because it was the third time in two months that I had gotten caught causing trouble. Plus, she did warn me last time.

After dismissing the other two, Ms. Trina motioned me to follow her to her office, also known as the counsellor's office.

I sat on the chair as she put the call on speaker as it ranged. A scoff was waiting to break out because I knew neither would pick up. They had not answered my calls in months, so it was far-fetched to think they would answer my teacher.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Trina, how are you?" I looked up so fast that I almost jerked my neck. Standing up, I interrupted before my counsellor could speak. "Who changed the numbers? Why are you calling him?"

"Leah, dear-," the male voice spoke as I felt my throat close. The next question came out as a whisper to him, "Did you do it? Did you remove their numbers to add your own?"

Mrs. Trina removed the call from the speaker and talked to him before turning to me. "Your foster parents came in a few weeks ago and replaced their details with your biological parents' details." 


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- Sam <3 

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