Chapter Nineteen

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There has to be something pulling about a chapter that makes you get out of bed to publish it at 3 am.

Well, let me know how you like it!

Happy reading, and remember to VOTE and COMMENT :D

- Sam <3


I increased my pace as I slid from beside two men on the sidewalk without stepping on the main road. I clicked the power button on the side of my phone for the sixth time since I left Ella's Corner to check the time.

The last couple out had taken their sweet time, pushing the closing time by fifteen minutes. I had to prepare dinner from scratch tonight. The thought of this was already leading to the development of a dull throb in my shoulders and upper back.

You can ask them to cook for themselves, you know.

But the Martins had already granted me a favour without my asking this week. It's the least I can do to give back to the Red Brick House for being able to continue living in it.

That doesn't make sense.

Shut up, brain.

You're not living with the Martins.

Earlier this week, I called David Martins to discuss a delay in rent. Between the security deposit, traveling to Ashetown, and filling in college expenses, I had spent most of my savings. I couldn't ask my parents because, for one thing, they were still unaware I had left home. Plus, they were also not the most supportive kind of parents. Since a few days still remain till they realise my absence, I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.

Is that really your style, though?

Why are you suddenly so interested in what I do?

Someone needs to be practical here. It's why I exist, you know?

I groaned. Circling back to the rent, it should have been sorted if not for the extension. When I arrived in town, I thought I'd only have to rent a room for maybe a month before I could go back to my grandparents' place. But clearly, there's more time before that happens. The remaining savings plus money from the shifts could cover this one.

Reaching the partly lit street, I finally slowed down to take a breather before going into the house. I was welcomed by the sound of something falling and utensils clattering. Puzzled, I followed the noise to the kitchen without removing my bag.

It took me a moment before I gathered the words to speak. "Do I want to ask?"

Cam was seated on the platform in his bright yellow knee-length shorts, his head turned down with a nervous grin and eyes focused on a now empty container on the floor. On his right, Xander's black sweatpants were covered in what I assumed was batter for something, while Charlie held one hand on her forehead. Her feet sprinkled with something similar didn't go unnoticed.

Paying me no attention, Xander spoke through gritted teeth. "Cam." Pause. The said person looked up and towards me. He opened his mouth to voicelessly let out a 'save me.'

"Run." A second after Xander said that, the boys launched into a chase, pushing me out of their way without a second thought. My backpack fell on the floor with a thump. Another click from the door signalled another person's entry into the house.

A simple booming "Hey, what the hell?" made it clear who it was. A scowling Leah entered the kitchen. Sweeping a glance across the floor, her eyes met Charlie's. "Do I want to ask?"

"Hey, that's what I said." I grinned. Unsurprisingly, it was met with a glare. I cleared my throat, returning to a neutral expression, waiting for a batter-covered foot-owner to explain.

"Well, Zach was a little late to return," She met my eye, "and we were feeling hungry. So Xander thought we could cook something up till he's back."

"Wait," Leah interrupted, scrunching up her nose. A loud drop, followed by a groan, came from upstairs. All the eyes shifted to the ceiling for a second before tuning back into the conversation. "What do you mean by till he was back? Did you still expect him to make dinner after a long day?"

My eyebrows could've crossed the roof if they were not stuck to my forehead. What was she even doing? Leah, who has time and again mentioned her dislike towards me, was the last person I expected to speak up for me.

Hesitance clouded Charlie's eyes as she took in her sister's unsaid point. Her eyes turned to me in apology, making my heart sink. "You don't have to feel sorry. I don't have any issue in making dinner. I like-"

The fierce brown eyes threw another sharp look my way as if it were my fault. "It is your fault, you know." Oh. "Who told you to start making meals every day? We were handling it pretty well before you came."

"Uh," A voice from the room's entrance raised a questioning response, kind of undermining what Leah was trying to get across. Cam, the one who spoke, was massaging the back of his shoulder as Xander stood with his arms crossed, leaning his side on the doorframe. His interruption earned him another smack from his roommate. "Ow, what was that for?"

Xander rolled his eyes. "Keep your trap shut." 

"My point is," The brunette spoke again, meeting my eyes. "Stop spoiling everyone. Even though you might like it, you don't have to do whatever you do all the time. We can take care of ourselves."


Leah turned her head towards the ceiling for a second before grabbing the nearest thing. "Cam, for hell's sake, shut up!" With that, she threw the milk container. To be precise, an open milk container.

It hit the target right in the stomach before falling. The liquid was added to the white batter floor. I raised my hand to my lips to hide a chuckle at Cam's dramatic slide down. Why dramatic? He held his heart while doing so instead of where he was hit. I called out to Charlie, reflecting on a conversation earlier this afternoon. "Charlie,"


"I think you jinxed it when you said there haven't been food fights for long."

"This is not a food fight." Xander, who was now holding the probably half-empty carton, clarified as he shook the carton to check the remainder. Then, he poured the remaining on Cam smugly. "Now, that was the real payback for the pancake batter."

That was the start of emptying the cupboards and practically shoving the rest of the groceries down each other's hair and clothes. Somehow, I was roped into all this, too. How could I not when even the dishwashing liquid wasn't spared?

Ten minutes later, the five of us sat on the floor in a puddle of who-knows-what, sighing heavily. I stared at the rice stuck at the back of my forearm before looking up to meet Xander's eyes. He cracked a smirk before shifting his attention to Charlie, who then turned to Cam. As all of the eyes met each other's, laughter bubbled out. Loud, boisterous, unrestricted, and unhinged laughter bounced off the walls of the entire double-storey house.

I wiped a tear from the side of my eye, coughing out a wheeze when my gaze fell on Leah. She was curled against Charlie, who was holding her sister's hand for support, as the brunette cracked up. There was something carefree and light in the way her eyes crinkled and shoulders rose and fell that made her stand out. My lips curled up softly, my heart slowing down.


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