Chapter Sixteen

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I have been desperately waiting to get back to writing more regularly. So, here's my attempt at that. 

Remember to VOTE and COMMENT - thank you!

Till then, 
Merry Christmas and Happy Reading!

- Sam <3



I scrolled through the boxing competition rules as I stood before the school gate, 10 minutes until the first class started. An emergency meeting call for the Star's Read, the school magazine, had been put up late last night. I wanted to ensure Sandra knew so no one would accuse her of skipping, like the last time when Trevor lied about the meeting's cancellation.

Curious eyes scanned me while passing, not used to seeing an infamous latecomer waiting. Paying them no attention, I turned to the diverging footpaths, hoping Sandra would come and allow me out of this misery. Being in different years seemed like a pain at these times because I couldn't just talk to her in class, and Ms. poster kid avoided using phones in school.

My eyes scanned the incoming crowd until I saw her. I started walking towards her. My footsteps halted, and the grip on the device in my hand tightened when I noticed who she was walking with. How could I forget Jason was coming back to school today?

I turned on my heel and started walking back. A voice in the back of my mind whispered, 'Till when will you run?'

"Till whenever." I muttered between my teeth and picked up pace. I'll inform one of Sandra's classmates to remind her about the meeting, I decided.

"Hey, bob cut," The last voice I wanted to hear at the moment called from behind. This boy chose bad timing to open his uncreative mouth. "What are you doing here so early?"

"Get out of my way, Trevor." I glared as he appeared in front of me with his sidekicks. He smirked.

"What? Talking with your mouth instead of fists? Looks like Mrs. Trina has started to get to you." I closed my eyes and turned my head upwards.

"Wha-," Without another thought, my body reacted, and I caught Trevor's t-shirt in a fist and pulled him towards me. Looking him straight in the eyes, I gritted. "You have to stop getting in my way, Trevor." A spark of fear appeared in his eyes for a second before getting covered by a bored expression. In a low voice, I continued, "Sandra's punch did not do enough damage, but I swear mine will."

Pushing him back, I quickened my footsteps.

"Leah!" This time, my friend's voice called out but fell on deaf ears.

"Magazine meeting after school, be there!" I shouted before entering the hallway and opening the first door I found beyond the first line of lockers. I cursed as I noticed it was the boys washroom.

"Girls washroom is on the other side, Lee." Sean.

I looked up and saw him leaning on the sink in an otherwise empty washroom. I released a harsh breath of little relief as I stepped away from the gate and towards my boxing partner.

Sean's eyes furrowed in confusion as I walked past him and pulled my right leg back, only to slam into the empty plastic trash can, which flew across the small space. "Woah."

The container lay a few feet ahead after rebounding from the wall. Chest now heavy with emotion turned to anger, I kicked it again with full force. Seeing Jason in school meant the Carters were back. For real.

"Hey, hey!" Sean grabbed my shoulders to stop me from breaking the object facing my turmoil.

"What happened, Lee?" He asked, eyes full of concern. Zach would have totally matched his expression.

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