Chapter Four

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The shift was tiring as hell.

It had slipped my mind that fresh stock would be coming in that would have to be shifted to the storage. Usually, it took about a week to unpack and arrange the material on the shelves.

I worked at the store three days a week- Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. 3 hours each on the weekdays, but I have lost my memory about the part where I chose to do a double shift on Saturday.

Naturally, my body was dragging itself back to the house after getting off the bus. The night sky had only a few clouds, one near the half-moon. On reaching the short street of our house, a ray of light shined on that part of the road that remained dull on other days. My eyes travelled to the new source of light- the new guy's room. Right, someone was living there, I reminded myself.

My thoughts on change were muddled up because whatever had changed in the past months had not been the most pleasant experience. However, I managed to get three people who seemed to care by the number of times they checked up on me. The most recent development, named Zachary Smith, held a dicey position. On second thought, he held none.

Moving towards the house, I noticed that all the windows were dark except the one in the living room slash kitchen.

"I'm back!" I announced as I entered after unlocking the door using the key in my back pocket.

"In the kitchen," Charlie said at the same time as I stepped into the room. Notes were spread on the centre table as she typed on her laptop, probably using the former as a reference. She sat on the ground, her hair messily tied in a bun, a few strands still falling on her face.

Picking up an apple from the fruit basket on the platform, I was about to take a bite when my roommate interrupted. "At least wash your hands first, Leah."

Spoken like a total elder sibling, I muttered.

Huffing, I let the soap and water remove germs from my hands before turning back to face her. "When is the deadline?" Regarding whichever assignment she was working on.

"Monday." Day after tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I looked through the available vegetables, figuring out what to make. "Interested in eating vegetable wrap?" I asked, taking out the ingredients from the fridge, with two plates to eat and a bowl to make the mix, from the cupboard.

An hour later, we brought the empty plates to the sink. Too tired to stay awake any longer, I retired to my room.


The coming morning was time to go grocery shopping. And for that, I had to pull a certain someone out of bed.

Slamming the door open to Cam's room, I entered- "Wake up!"

"Go away!" Cam sleepily mumbled before shifting to another position, turning his head towards the wall, his back towards me. I wondered what could be more annoying than to be woken up early on a cool pleasant morning.

"My blanket!" Got it. "What the hell, Lee? Give it back!" He shouted crankily after being separated from his precious cozy blanket. Only a cheeky grin was returned. I heard a door open behind me. As soon as Cam started to get out of bed, I dashed for the stairs, catching a glimpse of the new guy. His eyes were barely open, eyebrows furrowed, and hair stuck out in all directions. What a clown.

Xander, who looked at the scene unfolding from the first step, immediately moved to make room for us. Soon, Cam and I were circling around the centre table, having a stare-down. Xander, Charlie, and Zach stood as an audience.

"Hand it to me, Lee."

"No, we have to get groceries. I am hungry, and there's nothing to make breakfast of."

Shoulders drooped, he fell back on the couch right behind him. "Fine. Let me get ready."

I threw a fist bump in the air- victory.

"Leah," Charlie called me. Turning towards her, I asked, "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I nodded and exited the living room with her.

"Mom and dad called. They asked if you would like to join us for Thanksgiving next Monday." She asked. Previously buzzing energy lessened and left a dry taste in my mouth.

"Look, there is no pressure or obligation. Xander and Cam are also invited." The last part made the offer slightly more comfortable. Then, she added, "Zach too."

Taking a break from the rising thoughts, I raised my eyebrow, "Him, really?"

Charlie let out a sigh. "Yes. Just assume it to be a casual dinner and come. They will appreciate it."

"And what about me?"

"It is not all about you, Leah." She pinched the bridge of her nose, slightly frustrated. In contrast to my overt responses, Charlie always found a way to patiently communicate with me. "They have been trying. Please show up for a while."

When I didn't respond, she paused before speaking, her hand on my shoulder. "I know it has been a hard year for you with your foster parents, but it is Thanksgiving. You don't have to spend it alone."

Not wanting to hear more about it, I told her I'll think about it and shouted for Cam to hurry up.

After Xander and Zach had gone to their rooms and Charlie to our house, I waited near the staircase. With my back towards it, I was scrolling through Instagram when I suddenly felt a weight add to my shoulders and back, and hands wrap around my neck, "I am here!"

I hit his arms, "Get off my back, you imbecile." We would have fallen on our butts if I had lost my footing, which I almost did.

"Using fancy words, are we?" Cam teased, stepping back on the ground. I rolled my eyes.

We were at the bus stop when he decided to raise the topic. "I know it is your decision, but Charlie is right. Spend Thanksgiving with us."

"You were listening?" I asked him, taking a step back. As close as I had gotten with them in a short period, that couldn't be right.

"Of course not." He denied it like it was a ridiculous idea. "Olivia," Charlie's mom, "called us last night. I assumed Charlie told you by the way you were standing near the stairs. Now, back to what I said. You should come." He gave me a pointed look.


"No buts. You have got to taste the famous Pumpkin Pie she makes." He closed his eyes and licked his lips to emphasize. I frowned.

I remembered last Thanksgiving when dad and I burnt the turkey and came out of the kitchen looking greasy. Mom and Jason laughed a lot and took so many photos to tease us.

"I'll think about it." He nodded sincerely before continuing. "Also, you owe me ice cream."

"What for?"

"For ruining my sleep."



So, I am changing the Thanksgiving date from what I mentioned in the earlier chapters. Now, Zach is arriving a week before Thanksgiving instead of two days before it.

Happy reading!

- Sam <3

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