Chapter Two

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What does a decent friend do when they see their friend sleeping on their couch? Let them sleep.

What does Xander do?

Wake them up at 8 am on a Saturday morning to accompany him because he wants to study.

I had fallen asleep at the Red Brick House, where Cam and Xander lived, after watching a few episodes of Big Bang Theory last night. Anyone could mistake me for being their roommate by the amount of time I spent here. Although I moved in with Charlie about ten months ago, I still hadn't found comfort in that house.

Back to the present, the only explanation I could give myself for being woken up at an unholy time was that Xander was anything but a normal human being. As per my definition, normal humans sure as hell did not wake up early to complete their assignments. If that wasn't enough, he wanted me to do the same thing instead of what I preferred to do- sleep. I barely even had homework!

Yet, here I was, seated with my unofficial roommate- doing work related to the inter-school magazine that was not due until two weeks later. We sat side by side on the sofa with laptops on our laps. My feet were on the table for a more comfortable position.

I was uploading photographs from my camera to google drive on the magazine team's account when we heard the door open.

"Xander!" Charlie called out, making our heads turn in her direction. She stood at the entry of the living room, a light grey bag hanging on her right shoulder.


"Where are you going?" Xander and I asked simultaneously.

"I have to go to the library for a group project and won't be back until later." She told us, "Zach would be coming today. He has already done the necessary paperwork, so will you please check his identity card and hand him the key?"


She tossed the key to Xander, which he caught easily and leaned forward to place it on the centre table. Charlie bid us 'bye' before leaving.

A growl from my stomach caught my attention. "It's 11 already. I need food." I huffed after closing my laptop. A beep from my phone indicated that I got the confirmation from Katy about the photo upload.

"Make something. I think there's some batter for pancakes left from yesterday night."

"Didn't Cam finish that?"

His hands paused on the keyboard for a few seconds before nodding, his eyes still on the screen. "Yeah, I forgot."

"Ugh." I stood up and made my way toward the kitchen. There were only some differences between the two houses: the guys' house, or the Red Brick House, had three rooms instead of two. They had a separate kitchen and living room, although smaller, instead of combined.

Inside the refrigerator were a milk carton, some extra cheese slices, carrots, and tomatoes. What am I even supposed to make of this?

"Xander, did you not get groceries this week?"

"Not my turn!" He said, walking into the kitchen. We had divided chores like grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning between the four of us to make things easier. Since it was my turn that week with Cam, we were supposed to get the groceries that we clearly forgot. During the week when we got the grocery and cooked, Xander and Charlie were responsible for the cleaning work, including the dishes.

"Uh, I forgot. Tell Cam to put a goddamn reminder."

Sensing no other option, I grabbed the milk from the fridge and the cereals from the cupboard above the platform. Xander took two bowls from the drawer beside me and placed them on the counter.

"Shouldn't you do the same, Lee?" He asked, giving me a pointed look to which I shrugged. It would probably do us some good if I started to remember getting groceries.

We sat in silence and ate breakfast. I was texting Cam about going shopping in the evening when I realized something.

"Crap. Crap. Crap. What's the time?"

Furrowing his eyebrows, Xander checked his phone and said, "11:37. The phone is literally in your hand. What happened?"

"My shift starts at 12. I am late." And with that, I took off.

I walked into the empty house across the street and went up to change into clothes for work. Since communication between my parents and me broke off, I started to manage rent and other necessities by myself. But, I had already started working part-time a few months before anything happened, so it was a less sharp transition. The Martins also supported me with the rent despite my resistance.

Books and Rainbows was one of the biggest shopping centres for books, stationery, and craft material. It had good pay for part-time workers like myself, though they were strict in the timings part.

All their employees were given two t-shirts with the 'B & R' logo to wear to work. The polo t-shirt had a sky-blue base and vertical rainbow stripes in the printed letters. I paired it with a pair of cargo shorts. At least I didn't have hair long enough to waste my time on. No wonder a lot of guys keep their hair short.

Glancing at the clock, I cursed and rushed down the stairs: it showed 11:45.

Our house being 5 minutes away - by walking - from the main road didn't ease my worry about being able to get a cab. The bus usually worked as my mode of travel, but I was already going to be late by 5-6 minutes. And in no way did I plan to increase those numbers by waiting for a bus.

As I reached the main street, the almighty forces I doubted existed decided to bring another obstruction. A car door closed about a few meters behind me as someone got out of the cab. I had seen the vehicle heading towards this street.

"Excuse me?" A male voice called out from behind. Nope, I am in no mood to waste my time, I thought and continued to walk.

He called again before I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Ugh," I muttered before turning back.

"What the hell do you want?" I snapped.

A raven-haired guy towered over me by a head. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly opened, making me instantly dislike him.


Happy reading!

- Sam <3

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