Chapter Twenty

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The garbage bag hit the ground as I inched forward to open the lid of the trash can. Using one hand to keep up the trash can lid open, I shoved the pizza boxes into the bin with the other, followed by the rest of the waste in the nylon. Dusting my hands, I looked up to the room that was streaming light onto the dark street.

After creating an entire mess and depleting most of the groceries two hours ago, we decided to keep the kitchen off-limits for a while. The next plan to satiate our empty stomachs was to order pizza and wait for an annoyed delivery person who had to bring five pizzas to a house only one block away. If it were a good day, they would have been pissed off.

"Guys, it's barely a two-minute walk." Mark, the grumpy manager in his late 60s who often happened to be the one on shift, would say. At this point, he was used to it and only grumbled an 'okay'. Thus, we were met with a jolly Rory who was well-acquainted with the antics of the Red-Brick House.

Everyone had retreated to their rooms, including Charlie who had returned to the Yellow-Brick House. My eyes tossed between the two houses, wondering where I should go. After seeing Jason today, both felt empty. My eyes again flickered to the silhouette moving around the top floor of the place on my right. Today was eventful, to say the least.

As I let my eyes observe for a second too long, I realized the usually calm Zach was pacing back and forth, holding his phone to one ear. What happened to him?

Reflecting on the day we had had, an idea clicked. I checked the time before making a call. "Can I get the key tonight? I'll lock up and drop it back to your place."

"Hello to you too, Lee." The voice on the other side greeted lazily.

I pressed my fingers to the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "Shut up, Sean. Can I get the keys or not?"

"I was about to close up. But since you requested,"

"I did not request," I bit back.

Ignoring me, he continued. "I'll wait for you if you make it here in ten minutes." Sean's parents owned multiple businesses on Pine Street. With his insistence and some stats he pulled, Sean got them to turn one of their old shut-down stores into a part-time rage room too. In return, he was responsible for making sure the place ran smoothly.

"Twenty minutes." Without waiting for a response, I ended the call and walked back into the Red Brick House. I ascended the stairs in a hurry. I raised my hand to knock when I heard a raised voice.

"-and the twins will stay here! Do you never get tired of using your own kids to your advantage? I have already transferred universities. I can't up and leave whenever you want."

A pause. My eyebrows furrowed.

The anger reduced to defeat the second time Zach's voice travelled through the door. "I'll try to visit soon. Don't bring Cassie and the twins up again."

A crash resounded a second later. I gently pushed open the door and peeked inside. He sat on the bed, holding his head lowered in his lap. He breathed heavily as his shoulders rose and fell. Ignoring the phone lying near the foot of the chair to Zach's left, I silently walked his way. Whatever I thought about him until a few weeks ago left my mind.

All I could see at the moment was someone tired of fighting. Just like I was.

My fingers curled back in hesitation as I reached out to Zach. I took a deep breath and rested my palm on the back of his dropped shoulder, bringing attention to my presence. He looked up with a jerk.

He stood up and looked around, pushing his hand through his hair. The guy in front of me cleared his throat. "When did you come?" His voice was shaky, just like the other day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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