Chapter Eleven

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I did it at 1:54 am, but I did it. Yayyy!

Thank you for waiting and keeping up with me!

Happy reading and remember to VOTE and COMMENT :D



Seeing the number of dishes on the kitchen counter made me realize how much I ended up cooking. I doubted if there would be any space left on the table to put the plates and glasses.

"Did I skip the part where we invited guests over?" Xander asked, bemused as he stepped into the kitchen. I sheepishly scratched the back of my ear in answer before following my roommate to pick up the dishes to take them to the other room.

"Xander," A voice called, accompanied by the slamming open of the front door, "I refuse to believe you just called Sandra a guest." Cam came in with a scowling Ms. Scowl and a smiling Cassie behind him. She wore a smile, but it did not reach her eyes. I noticed her playing with the wooden bead bracelet, twin to what I wore on my wrist.

"Shut up, man. Hey Sandra." A warm grin broke out on Xander's face as he crossed the room to hug my sister, who welcomed the action. My arms twitched thinking about all the times that she used to playfully run away from me as the twins and I chased to hug her. Those moments when she grumbled while muttering 'I love you guys too' as we attacked her with hugs were precious.

Xander turned to me with his hand on Cassie's shoulder. "Meet Zach, our new roommate. Zach, this is Sandra- another one of us."

"I already introduced them," Leah said, taking the forgotten tray of bowls from my paused hands and arranging them on the table. Not before bumping hard on my shoulder. "Ouch."

While this happened, I took the time to process that Cassie came to have dinner at the Red Brick House despite knowing I was there. Maybe that was a positive sign. We stared at each other, waiting. I, hoping to talk to her, and her, probably, wishing the opposite.

"Hi." Finally, the words left my mouth.

"Hi." Only a polite upward turn of lips signalled an attempt at a smile. Just an attempt. Then, she was swooped by an enthusiastic Cam.

"Are you going to keep standing there or join us?" Charlie asked. She and Xander were on the couch, leaving the others on the ground. Since Leah was in the washroom, there were two spaces I could potentially occupy- either beside Cassie or Cam.

Well crap.

"Sit! I'm starting the movie."

If I sat near Cam, I was actively choosing not to sit beside Cassie, but if I took the second option, I was afraid I would be poking the bear.

2 years ago:

"I want chocolates!"

"Isn't that the second time she is shouting that?" Reece asked, glancing at me from behind the UNO cards.

"Third." Alice corrected as she placed a draw two aimed at me. "Not fair!"

The sound of the stomping of feet shifted our attention to the door of the living room. A furious Cassie stood there, glaring at them.

"Oops. The bear has awoken." My younger brother spoke, referring to our sister, who finally came out of the room. The glare on us sharpened, making me smack my palm on my forehead. "The what?"

"Bear." His twin clarified to Cassie. "Zee told us to not poke the bear." Those two were going to get me killed that day. "Alice, I'll deal with him. But you, you just wait till you get your periods, and they start calling you that." And then she walked towards me without paying attention to our younger sister's complaints. Slow, deliberate steps.

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