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05 : strange along with stranger bond with strangest

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05 : strange along with stranger bond with strangest.

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A week has passed since Ezra's encounter with the drunken lunatic, and to her surprise, the last time she saw her not-so-bad neighbors was when Kid visited the café along with Chastille.

Seven days prior, the ginger was convinced that fate wanted to play a twisted game with her by entangling her everyday life with the said ebony-haired male. Yet it would seem that the said fate grew bored of their little encounters and decided that letting the ginger breathe for a while was for the best.

Much to her dismay, nothing noteworthy happened after the said incident occurred. That is, aside from the fact that Serenity and Polaris made it clear that her job is to stay away from actual hard chores. That was the norm for three days, and only when she snapped did they let her do as she pleases.

To cut it short, Ezra was bored as hell.

She was rather surprised that she hasn't run into any other mishap yet, considering her luck. For the last week, the daily events in her life became pretty tame and redundant: things in school were smooth-sailing, her neighbors were kept in check, and all was well in their café.

With that said, Ezra is skeptical as to whether this should calm her down or worry her more.

Ezra leaned back on her wobbly chair as she sighed and stared at the empty seats in front of her. The café just opened, so the lack of customers was understandable. The gingerhead was certain that customers would come rushing in within a few minutes, and she'd be preoccupied with her work once again, enough to forget about the lack of thrill in her life.

And of course, she wasn't wrong.

After a few ticks in the clock, she heard a ruckus from the floor below, snapping her from her trance. The people downstairs must be screaming if she can hear them from her desk.

How curious.

Ezra decided to listen more, and only when she heard a few snickers followed by hysterical laughter did she muster the energy to stand up and sluggishly check the commotion occurring downstairs. Sure enough, the sight that greeted her was an unexpected, but still pleasant surprise.

"Eh?" was the sound that escaped the ginger's lips as she stared at the four figures in front of her. "What are you guys doing here?"

Her sudden inquiry successfully managed to grab their attention. Ezra then found herself being eyed by the newcomers, their eyes squinting and a visible frown plastered on their familiar faces.

The one who broke their staring contest was an athletic brunette. He looked at her mockingly, not even trying to hide his sarcasm. "I dunno. Taking a stroll, perhaps?"

"You do not speak to a lady like that, you birdbrain!"

Ezra saw a flash of blonde before she heard a grunt from the brunet, having been smacked in the nape by another male. The mere sight of the two in the same room was enough to cause a headache. Everyone who knew them had long given up on the thought of them getting along.

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