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14 : christmas countdown with blings, tinsel, and games

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14 : christmas countdown with blings, tinsel, and games

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"I told you, Iori, it's not a fucking date." For the fifth time during this conversation, Ezra sighed. "You know the girls. Gossips, drama, issues, and delusions are their afternoon tea."

Iori uttered more complaints about safety and precaution, to which the ginger only rolled her eyes. Ever since Serenity sent that insinuating message to their group chat, Ezra had received probing questions from her friends both in person and through the phone.

Like now, for example.

The sun was already about to set and Ezra's phone call had been ongoing for four hours already, but the blonde man on the other line seemed to have no plans to end it. Why? Because today was the twenty-fourth day of December, which caused Iori to believe that his ginger-haired friend would, indeed, attend a date.

From the other side of the line, Ezra could hear Alois and Serenity, who were present with the man in question. They were asking him, rather harshly, to shut the fuck up and let Ezra live her life. But the gingerhead knew that they were only stopping him because they were playing the role of matchmakers.

"Stop putting a damper on our ship, you dolt!"

See? Ezra was right. They have their own agenda!

"But it's dangerous!" Iori insisted. Ezra heard a swatting sound before she heard Iori whining.

Knowing Alois's temper, Ezra was sure that the rowdier twin grew tired of Iori's whining and decided that thwacking the man's head was the way to silence him. The ginger then heard a few more scuffling, before Alois greeted her from the end of the line.

"Hey, Ez! We'll take care of this idiot. Go enjoy your date or whatever," Alois cackled in her signature evil laugh.

Did she murder Iori to get his phone?

Ezra sighed. She was about to insist, for the umpteenth time, that it was not a date, but she heard a loud tooting sound. She looked at her phone in askance, annoyed at how her friend ended the call without even saying bye.

Tired after dealing with Iori's four-hour phone call full of his crazy antics, Ezra was stretching her arm when she heard the loud ringing of her doorbell. Knowing full well who was on the other side of the door, she shouted, "Just a minute!"

When she opened the door, she handed Kid two boxes, much to the said male's surprise. "What's this?"

"Presents, duh?" Ezra said with a tone laced with sarcasm while carrying one box herself. "It's Christmas!"

As the pair entered Kid's apartment, she was greeted by a cacophony of voices emanating from the living room. Making her way in their direction, she found the missing two engaged in a spirited debate, their voices rising and falling in a chorus of disagreement.

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