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11 : well, no one wins in a losing game.

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All this time, Ezra did nothing but try to form a stable relationship with the delinquent male. She even went as far as wrapping up his bruises and tending to his wounds! How dare he act and tell her that it's all for naught?

It was then that all of Ezra's preceding thoughts came crashing down on her.

Why the fuck does she even care? Why did she go out of her way to try and make a safe connection with the golden-eyed male? Was it because she thinks she's indebted to the said male after saving her life?

Ezra refused to admit it, but she did, in fact, wish and tried to become the delinquent's friend. In the end, she just sighed. There's no use crying over spilled milk now. All her hopes of becoming Kid's friend had just been thrown into the abyss and crumbled into dust.

Nothing but a lost cause.

They did return to the way they were when they first bumped into each other. Nearly three days have passed, and now Ezra has poured all of her efforts into avoiding the male as if he were a plague. Kid appeared to be doing the same, too, since he was always absent whenever Chastille and Shin were in the coffee shop.

This seemed to be a tough challenge, however, since they live next door to each other. They can't help but bump into each other sometimes when they're going out. Whenever that happens, they will stare for a second before looking away in sync. Then, one would step aside to let the other pass. Honestly, it felt like fate's way of toying with them.

And today, fate seemed to prepare another game.

The day started the same as usual. Neither Kid and his friends nor Klarence visited that day. They closed the shop a little bit past 3:00am, which is their usual closing time, but just as Ezra was about to go on her merry way, Serenity suddenly asked for a girl's night out in a nearby KTV bar. Ezra allowed Serenity to pull her along with Polaris following closely behind, thinking that this was exactly what she needed in order to unwind.

Things had been pretty hectic these days. A drink or two won't hurt, I guess?

Still, as they entered their own private studio, which was of course paid for by Serenity, Ezra found herself being sandwiched by the two ladies as they poured her glass of alcohol left and right. After drinking her second shot, she whined, "Pray tell, why does it feel like you're zeroing in on me?"

"What do you mean!" Serenity said in a singsong voice, purposefully dragging on the last syllables.

Polaris seconded her by saying, "You're such an overthinker, Ezra."

"Oh, yeah? Then why are you only letting me drink when you two are the alcohol enthusiasts here?" Ezra threw a threatening glare on the two, before squinting her eyes at them. "You're trying to get me drunk."

"That's not—"

Ezra cut her off. "That statement is not debatable."

Serenity, who looked like someone who'd been caught stealing, threw a guilty side-eye glance at Polaris, who only sighed. "I overheard your argument last time."

Ezra was stunned, knowing full well where this conversation was going. "Look, it's nothing—"

This time, it was Serenity's turn to cut her off. "You know full well how much we hate secrets in this friend group, Ez."

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