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19 : "t'wasn't so bad," she said

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19 : "t'wasn't so bad," she said.

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"Ezra, I need you to shut up," Alsen sighed for the umpteenth time as she looked at Ezra like the latter was finally losing all the remaining logical senses in her head.

"But Alsen!" Ezra whined again, earning a series of grunts and chuckles from her friend group.

Right now, their whole crew was present and they're currently in Ezra's. The majority of them were already done packing and were planning to return to their university, except the café trio who still had a week left for vacation. Which they plan on spending on work.

Before they return to their own lives in school, however, the gingerhead's friends decided to pester her about her dilemma one last time. That was what they called "their agenda" when they entered Ezra's unit today, much to the gingerhead's dislike.

When she woke up today, everything came crashing down on her like a dam had been opened and now the waters were being thrown directly at her. The whole day yesterday, up to today's predawn, she had done nothing but incriminate herself around her friends, especially one specific person.

After her accidental slip-up earlier, Kid decided that Ezra was, indeed, too dazed and dopey to hold a proper conversation. Therefore, he decided to let the matter go and tell Ezra to just focus on getting a sleep. Of course, the gingerhead wanted nothing but to do just that, but after what she had said, it took her more or less an hour to finally go back to sleep.

When she woke up this morning, she was still tucked in the sofa but Kid was already gone. In his stead, he left a pack of migraine medication and a get-well letter. The action, at first, made Ezra laugh. But upon remembering her incessant show of stupidity last night, she felt too ashamed that she just wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole.

The first thing she did, therefore, was to contact Polaris. Bad move, since it turned out that the one holding her blue-haired friend's phone the moment Ezra messaged her was Serenity.

And knowing blondie, she just couldn't shut up.

So, what was written inside the message? What caused her friends to attack her when they were just about to go back to their much-dreaded dorm room?

Well, she may or may not have written something that could pass as an essay paper for literature. The content? Her confusion and joltiness around Kid, the conversation that she had with the said male—including her blunder earlier, and her sudden realization.

Of course, those were enough to earn her a home visit from her ever-supportive-but-over-protective friends. The group even caused a bit of a ruckus when they entered the building, yelling loudly as if they were in a screaming match.

Amidst Ezra's whining and the group's antics, Zero suddenly said, "Why're you so worried? Can't you just, I dunno, YOLO it?"

"Idiot—" Ezra knew that Iori would start ranting a whole paragraph about how much of a failure to the world Zero was thanks to his statement, so she decided to cut him off before he could even start.

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