Chapter 1 [rain]

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TW: slight mentally abusive behaviour(the end of the chapter)
Hajime's pov/3rd person pov
(1:46am, Tuesday)

As Hajime walked in the pouring rain he thought about what he had said back then and cringed at how he talked about that boy. He sighed as he walked into his silent, but calm house "I'm home! Is anyone home?" Hajime yelled, no answer. "Hello? Izuru? Mom? Dad?" Whatever, they probably didn't even notice I left. Hajime lazily stumbled up the stairs and into his room, he changed out of his soaked clothes and pulled his pjs on. Collapsing onto his bed, he fell asleep immediately.

(7:30am, Wednesday)

Hajime smacked his hand down on his irritating alarm as it rang for him to get up. He sleepily got out of bed and was greeted in the kitchen by Izuru making breakfast

"good morning Hajime. Did you sleep well?" Izuru asked "Yup, I slept great," Hajime answered, yawning

"are you sure? Why did I hear you at 1am just then coming back home?" Hajime stayed silent, I didn't think he actually heard me, Hajime had a guilty look across his face, Izuru started speaking again,
"Yknow it may have mostly been your fault, but not fully your fault, Hajime. There's no need to take depression walks in the soaking rain so late at night."

"Whatever, I know you're just lying to make me feel better, what's the point of that?" Hajime stated, clearly irritated at Izuru's pity. Izuru placed a plate filled with food in front of Hajime and himself.
"Thank you for this food." Both of the brothers spoke in unison, then started eating, Hajime finished eating quickly and got his shoes on

"bye Izuru, I gotta catch my bus!" Hajime stated as he sped out the door. Ugh, rain again?! Hajime scoffed to himself as he ran to the bus stop


Hajime stopped in his tracks immediately as he heard that eerie voice whisper in his ear.

"Hajime, How could you?" The eerie voice called, Hajime quickly swung his head behind him, No one. He stayed silent as he continued to walk, not caring about the rain soaking his already soaked suit anymore. He made it to his bus just on time, as he walked down the bus aisle he could feel everyone's harsh eyes stabbing him with cold blood, and hatred, as he sat, the knives grew sharper. I hate this bus so much. Hajime thought while gazing out at the puddles forming in the long grass and cemented road

"Hey. You, brunette." Hajime looked around, was he talking to me?

"What do you want?" Hajime uneasily asked

"Is it true that you killed someone?" The annoying boy pestered, Hajime stayed silent, in hopes that the irritating boy would leave him alone, the bus came to a stop. Hajime looked to where the bus had stopped, he then picked up his bag and walked off of the bus I really need to find a new bus Hajime sighed as he walked into Hopes Peak(btw in this story Hajime has a talent and is in the main course) he walked to his classroom knowing the dread that would meet him inside. Hajime took a deep breath and walked into the class

"Hey, look! It's our "friendly" neighborhood killer!" Hiyoko teased, Hajime just rolled his eyes and sat down in his seat


"Wow, why don't you just tell the whole world.." Hajime muttered as he sunk into his seat

{time skip because school is boring}

The bell rang for lunch, which was thankfully, the last period of the day. Hajime hastily walked out of the classroom and to the water fountain, he sat there waiting for a girl with short dusty pink hair
"Hey Hajime.." the pink haired girl said sleepily while sitting beside the brunette boy

"Hey Chiaki, you look tired. Did you get enough sleep?" Hajime asked,

"I'm more," a yawn interrupted her sentence "worried about you.. you already know I don't sleep much." Both stayed silent for awhile.. not knowing what to talk about. "I'm sorry for your loss by the way..." Chiaki said, breaking the ice. Hajime's eyes started looking foggy as tears slowly filled his eyes, he was silent for a moment, then, started to speak.

"You shouldn't say sorry for something I caused," Hajime mumbled softly, he raised his hands to his face, covering his tear filled eyes. A sudden warmth cloaked Hajime's back, he uncovered his eyes to see the strawberry blonde next to him hugging him with warm eyes and a warm smile

"It's okay Hajime, I don't believe you caused his death." Chiaki said, reassuringly, Hajime turned his red, teary eyes away from Chiaki in response to her words, there was a silence between the two but a comfortable one, still Chiaki's soft voice gently tore through that silence

"I have an idea! Let's go to the amusement park to get our minds off of everything!" She smiled a carefree smile, Hajime smiled slightly back, and nodded in response

{Time Skip}

The pair strolled past the food stalls, finding one that caught their eyes 'deep fried watermelon' how does someone even deep fry watermelon? Hajime thought to himself. "Hey, Chiaki! We should try some deep fried watermelon" Hajime said with a small chuckle.

"deep fried what??" Chiaki said, very confused. Hajime directed Chiakis head towards the sign, she stared at the sign in disbelief "wouldn't the watermelon just become soggy and gross?" Chiaki mumbled beginning to walk over to the stand anyways.

"Maybe, let's try it and find out," Hajime said, following the shorter of the two, after the pair got the fried melon they went to sit at a bench

"are you ready to try this?" Chiaki questioned, Hajime sighed and hesitated before eventually, nodding. 3.. 2.. 1.. both of them ate the fried melon at the same time. Hajime was surprised by the taste while Chiaki was eating more "I wasn't expecting it to taste so good..!" Hajime mumbled, Chiaki giggled a bit

"Me neither! But I'm glad we bought it." Chiaki smiled,

After a long day at the theme park the two teens decided to call it a day and go back to their houses. "Izuru! I'm back!" Hajime yelled, but instead of Izuru walking up to him it was an older woman with long brunette hair, slightly lighter than his, with red eyes. His mother. "You're late, Hajime Hinata." His mother said, sternly while crossing her arms,
"Sorry mom... I-..I lost track of time." Hajime said quietly, scared to speak too loud, his mother looked down at him with anger.

"I don't care about your excuses. To make up for it you'll need to get better grades." His mother scoffed, Hajime looked down a bit.

"Yes mother." Hajime mumbled quietly

"Speak up!" His mother yelled, irritated by Hajime's volume.

"Sorry." He paused for a moment, "I'm going to my room now." Hajime said, walking past his mom. Hajime flopped down onto his bed, letting out a sigh he was holding in for awhile.

Hi! I don't know if anyone is even going to read this and also I don't have the full story written in my head so if you do read this, bear with me please :,)
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