Chapter 14 {Close call}

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Chiaki/3rd person POV
Tw: attempted suicide, prolonged absence seizure

"Hajime.... Wake up..!" Chiaki gently nudged the sleeping brunette, seeing him waking up. I knelt down so my face was at the same level as his. "It's lunch time. Would you like to eat with me and... play games..? Like old times..?" Chiaki asked softly, Hajime nodded in response and the strawberry blonde smiled kindly.

-Tuesday, 12:36 pm-

Chiaki and Hajime sat at the fountain playing a game in a relaxing silence. After awhile of playing, Chiaki noticed Hajime's character not moving and looked over at him.

"Hajime... if you don't feel like playing we can stop and-... if something is on your mind then... I think that I'd rather talk about that." Chiaki hesitantly spoke, as if being cautious of what to say to the zoned out brunette. He zoned back into the world and looked at Chiaki.

"Ah... sorry. Yeah, I was just thinking of how we used to all three play games together." He said quietly then looking at the ground. Chiaki looked to the side as if thinking of what to say next, opening and closing her mouth, looking for something to say. Chiaki stopped trying to talk and just hugged him with warmth and comfort.

Hajime gently nudged the strawberry blonde off and wiped his tears. "No, no... I don't need comfort. Let's just keep playing." He said, clearly feeling guilt for dimming the mood which Chiaki didn't mind. They continued to play games. Hajime occasionally drifted off into his head but then went back to the game.


The bell rang as lunch ended and it was time to go to the last two classes of the day. Chiaki sighed and packed up her lunch and walked to class while playing on her game boy, as she walked into the class she got a few weird glances which was expected from her still talking to Hajime. She doesn't care about how others feel about her, she just wants everyone to feel safe and be safe. 'This class is so boring...' Chiaki thought to herself as she slowly dozed off while playing games.


Chiaki has been playing video games for awhile now and decided to take a small break since she was hungry and dehydrated. Chiaki walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen to get a snack. "Ah, look who's finally come out of her room." Chiaki looked towards the living room and saw her dad sitting on the couch, she chuckled and smiled.

"Dad stop... you know that I'm an ultimate, I like to keep my ultimate in check." Chiaki grabbed an apple from the counter. Her dad laughed a bit. "I know, I know. I was just teasing, have fun but make sure you get some sleep, sweetheart." He spoke in a kind tone.

Chiaki smiled and headed to the living room to give her dad a hug. "Love you dad. Could I go to Hinata-kuns house? He was a little spacey today and... I don't want him to do anything." Chiaki spoke calmly but her voice had an undertone of worry. Chiaki's dad gave her a somber smile and nodded. Chiaki said thank you and went out of the house, making her way to Hajime's house.

'Knock knock knock' Chiaki said in her head as she gently hit the wooden door, waiting for an answer. The door opened up and Izuru poked his head out the door. "Ah, Nanami-san, Hajime is in his room." Izuru said as he opened the door more to invite Chiaki in. Chiaki smiled and walked in, heading upstairs to Hajime's room.

-Chiaki's POV-

I walked up the slightly creaky stairs and knocked on Hajime's bedroom door, I sighed, thinking he was just sleeping, after a minute or two of waiting, I became bored.

I gently open the door...

I was met with a horrifying sight...

"HAJIME!" I screamed his name in horror and began sobbing. He was dangling from his ceiling... from a rope. 'This can't be happening! Hajime, why?!' My thoughts were all over the place and I couldn't think straight. I wanted to cry until I couldn't anymore. Izuru heard my screams and sobs and quickly came up the stairs.

Izuru ran into Hajime's room with tears in his eyes and a bit of a horrified expression, he looked around Hajime's room and grabbed a stool. All I could do was stand in the doorway and watch as he tried to save Hajime.

Izuru held Hajime at the torso so that his airways were open and he wasn't suffocating. "Nanami! Get a knife from the kitchen, I need to cut this rope!" Izuru yelled, I zoned back into the world and quickly nodded and ran to the kitchen, grabbing a knife then running back up into Hajime's room. Izuru quickly took the knife and cut the rope, still holding onto Hajime so he didn't fall right to the ground.

Izuru sighed and gently placed Hajime on the ground after he got off of the stool then he checked his pulse... "It's weak, but there..." Izuru took his hand away from the side of Hajime's neck and pulled him into a warm hug. I could hear Izuru whispering something to Hajime so I listened a little closer.

"I'm so sorry, Haji.... I promised I wouldn't let you die like this, I want to protect you... I'm so sorry, I'll try to be a better big brother and keep you safe." He kept going on but it was too heartbreaking to hear Izuru in such a state compared to his usual composed and bored attitude.

Izuru... was crying... he held Hajime really close as tears gently rolled down his cheeks, it almost made me begin to cry. What do we do next? Call the hospital, wait till he wakes up? I don't know what to do in this situation... except wait... and hope. I looked at Hajime and... he was awake? When did that happen? He's just staring.

"Izuru... Hinata-kun is awake." I said gently. Izuru Held Hajime by the shoulders and looked at him almost analyzing his staring. "Shit. Hajime, cmon, wake up..." Izuru said, gently bringing him back into a hug.

"But, he is awake... what's going on, Izuru..?" I questioned. Izuru replied and my eyes widened a bit "A seizure? That can happen from this?" I began to panic a bit as Hajime continued to stare into nothing and fidget with his hands, Izuru asked me to calm down so I tried and managed to calm a bit.

"It isn't a serious problem so don't worry, he'll be fine. It's an absence seizure, so, he won't be harmed, although... it is taking way longer than usual, it may be an atypical one..." Izuru explained with a gentle voice that still had a bit of a monotone sound to it. I nodded in understanding.

Hajime lifted his head off of Izuru's shoulder and looked confused. "Huh...? When did you two get here?" Hajime asked hoarsely. Izuru told him that it didn't matter and that he's not harmed too bad.

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Hi! I've never experienced a seizure and I've never seen someone else have one so if I made any mistakes, please tell me, I tried making it as accurate as possible!

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