Chapter 5 {past horrors.}

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TW: Su1cide, slightly graphic depiction of su1cide, harmful language

Hajime/3rd person POV
{5:13 pm Tuesday}

Hajime stood behind the white haired boy, tears forming in his eyes "Nagito... please." Hajime sniffled "I can't lose you, please just get away from there!" Hajime didn't want the scene in front of him to be true. Nagito was at the edge..

relief suddenly filled Hajime up when he saw his boyfriend back away from the edge of the building. "Ok, I won't... I just want to be alone for now.." Nagito flashed a weak smile at Hajime, so, Hajime sighed and did as he wished and left him his biggest mistake...

as Hajime walked down the stairs something moved in the corner of his eye. no... wait, he didn't just- Hajime's eyes widened and he felt slightly sick at the thought, he didn't even have enough time to fully realize that his legs beneath him were going faster than they've ever gone. Hajime burst through the door only to be greeted with a horrifying scene in front of him.

Hajime gasped in fear and his eyes widened, finally realizing what he was seeing, his heart stopped for a second, his stomach dropped, Hajime couldn't believe what he was seeing, he wanted to cry and scream in agony or maybe even puke. Nagito's lifeless body was laying there, almost looking deformed from the impact of the ground. Hajime ran to him, hoping, praying that there was some life left in Nagito. Hajime kneeled down and pulled Nagito close, putting his head up to his chest... bump... bump...... bump......


Nothing. That was his final breath. "Y-you..," someone from behind stammered nervously, "you... killed him..." Hajime turned his head in surprise to see his classmate, Mahiru. "N-no, I-" before Hajime could finish Mahiru took a picture of the incriminating scene in front of her, before running with pure terror in her eyes. "I... didn't mean to..." Hajime sobbed silently, still holding Nagito close as if he refused to believe the reality that had just become true.


"We need you to tell us exactly what happened. Did you feel jealousy, hatred, or anything like that towards that boy?" A police questioned

"No.., I didn't kill him! I was trying to prevent him from dying!" Hajime raised his voice slightly soon after quieting himself "he committed suicide. I didn't kill him, I would never, especially not him..." Hajime explained, desperately trying to convince the truth into the cops head.

"Okay, if you don't want to admit it, we'll show you a big piece of evidence we have against your statements." The cop protested, putting his hand into his pocket and pulling out a picture. The cop slid the picture across the table "do you have anything to say about this? From what it looks like, it looks like you're standing behind the boy." He paused to pull another picture out. "And in this one you are clearly seen holding his chest to your ear. Were you perhaps making sure he was dead?" The cop spat out coldly. Hajime stayed silent out of shock how could he think I killed Nagito?! Hajime thought to himself "not talking huh? Well we have one last picture. But before you explain it I need you to explain these." The cop spoke sympathetically.

"I... was trying to stop him from killing himself. I wouldn't ever try to kill Nagito. He said he wouldn't jump and he just wanted to be alone," Hajime paused, tearing up a bit. "That's probably where you got the first picture... and I did as he said and left but when I was walking down the stairs I saw him fall, so I ran I was actually doing the opposite of what you think when I had my head to his chest." Hajime held back sobs as he explained.

"I see... now, what was your relationship with Komaeda Nagito?" The cop looked at Hajime seriously "it's crucial we know this because it will give us more insight on the case." Hajime spoke up as calm as possible "he's my boy friend, we never fought except for one time."

"So, it's possible that you and your friend-" "boyfriend." "Right... it's possible that you and your.. boyfriend got into a fight, this caused him to overreact and feel the urge to commit suicide. Does this sound possible?" The cop was slightly gentle with his words but more forceful as if he wanted Hajime to be guilty, and yet, he stayed silent. "Not a talker huh? That just makes you look suspicious y'know." The cop sounded almost happy as he called Hajime guilty.

"I told you the story already! Why aren't you listening to me? I'm innocent until proven guilty, I had nothing to do with him dying!" Hajime started crying, as he wiped the tears more just kept coming, Hajime soon gave up trying to wipe away the waterfalls of tears. "I've told you many times that I didn't kill him... I loved him more than anything!" "Why did you fight then?" "It was a stupid misunderstanding, we sorted it out! I don't like how you're just assuming Nagito was the one that overreacted. I was the one who started the misunderstanding so that part, I admit, was my fault..." Hajime said with anger clear in his voice Hajimes tears started to slow down a bit so he finally wiped them away. He looked up at the cop with an irritated look spread on his face. "I didn't kill him."

"Yeah, yeah, that's what all the killers say. I'm going to have to bring in my partner to get you to crack." The cop said as he waved another person in. "He's all yours, Kip." The cop said as he walked out. His partner, Kip walked in with a heavy sigh as if he was embarrassed by his partner who Hajime never seemed to learn the name of.

"I'm sorry about him... he's new on the whole interrogation thing, he'll never believe anyone." Kip said in a much kinder tone than the other cop. Hajime just nodded silently as he looked to the ground. "So, tell me what happened. The full story, I mean the whole thing, summary of how you two met, when and why you fought, what happened that day he died and what was said before you left him up there. I already know some of the story but I need all of it." Kip explained in a more serious tone.


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Hahahahaha that's all you get anyways, I love flashback chapters sm and on a plus note I've figured out a bit more of the story!! So that's flipping fantastic! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I am extremely sick so I might not post for awhile but who knows.

1123 words

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