Chapter 15 {trouble}

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Hajime's pov

It was strange... I felt numb. I can't think right now, I don't even know where I am entirely... all I see is darkness. Lonely darkness, but, this darkness had a tinge of comfort... wait, no, this wasn't what I felt before, I feel like someone is here... I slowly lifted my head up and saw my brother, Izuru.

I looked to the left of Izuru and saw... Nanami? When did she get here? I don't remember what happened in the slightest, I should've died. Why didn't I..? I tried to speak but my voice was hoarse and it was difficult to speak. Izuru and Chiaki were hugging me close and crying... even Izuru, it's not a common thing for him to cry so it was a bit of a surprise to see even if he is my brother...

They both pulled away from the hug with tears on their cheeks, I just stared at them with slight disbelief.

-75 minutes later-

Izuru and Nanami had gone downstairs and Hajime was in his room. He wasn't alone. Hajime's mother slammed her fist to the wall before shouting "You idiot! Do you have any god damn idea how expensive a funeral is?!" She slapped Hajime across the face and began to yell at him more, not because she worried about him but just in fear of losing money.

"I can't believe how selfish you are. You're staying in your room for a month with no phone. Get Izuru or someone else to get you food and water." She stormed out of Hajime's room and slammed the door behind her. Hajime pulled his knees to his chest and rested his forehead on his arms, crying silently.

-Izuru's pov-

I was in my room, listening at the door and waiting for that sick woman to go away so I could comfort my little brother. I heard her slam the door shut and I walked towards Hajime's room, I reached for the handle but hesitated for a moment when I heard him crying... 'I wonder if he would try to stop crying if I entered. It's good to express sadness.' I thought about it for a moment and decided to go in his room.

"Hey Haj..."
"Go away... I don't want to talk right now."
"I won't make you talk, I just want to be here for you."

There was silence for a moment then Hajime spoke softly.
"Come in." I walked into his room and shut the door behind me, walking over and sitting beside Hajime. I wrapped my arms around him slowly and he flopped all of his weight onto me. I gently rubbed Hajime's back, every so often he winced from me accidentally grazing over scars, I apologized every time. Hajime began to breathe in a calmer way.

He'd probably never admit that this helped but I could tell that he felt much comfort in a pair of warm arms, maybe that was why he missed Komaeda so much... they always gave eachother a shoulder to cry on when they needed it. In a way, I also miss Komaeda, they were good for eachother. Good for a while... then many misunderstandings happened and it led to Komaeda taking his life.

This was all Tsumugi Shirogane's fault.

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