Chapter 7 {sleepover}

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QUICK A/N Hello! I'm just experimenting with first person povs probably going to go back to my usual stuff after this chapter and I also forgot that in Japan names are a little differently used so I'll be fixing that in new chapters! ALSO, I'm going to start putting a tw on chapters where the trigger actually starts and at the beginning so that way the warnings will actually be helpful and I wanna keep you lovelies safe 🫶
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TW: harmful language, mentions/talk of suic1de

Chiakis POV
[Friday 5:30am]

I woke up to the sound of snoring at first I was confused but then as my brain adjusted I remembered that I'm at Hinata's house as I glanced beside me I saw Hinata sleeping peacefully, a smile couldn't help but creep it's way up my face 'It's been awhile since I've seen him so at peace..' I thought to myself as I got up from the mattress on the floor "Hinata-kun, wake up, we gotta go to school" I hate to wake him up but he needs to get ready for school... he groaned and got up slowly with a yawn

"morning Nanami-san..." Hinata said sleepily "oh, right... we have school" he sounded sad at the mention of school, although, I couldn't really blame him. He got up and yawned with a big stretch "could you get out for a second so I can change?" Hinata questioned I just nodded in response and left his room, closing the door behind me. I waited for a few minutes as he changed and finally called out that he was finished and so, I re-entered his room. After awhile of just laying around we both looked at the clock to read the time [Friday 7:18am] the time sure did go by fast "Shit! We have to get to school soon!" Hinata exclaimed, quickly getting up from his bed and going downstairs with me following close behind him.

"Morning Hajime and Nanami-chan. Do you have time for breakfast?" Izuru asked from the kitchen earning a sigh from Hinata "you forgot about food, didn't you?" Izuru stated the question more as a fact than a question. To that Hinata just nodded and walked into the kitchen eating the food that Izuru had made

"Cmon, Nanami-san, he doesn't bite" Hinata chuckled a bit waving his hand, signaling me to go to the kitchen so I went to where Hinata was sitting, I didn't really know how I felt about Izuru, he seemed kind-hearted but only towards family or possibly a partner, if he has one. But other than that he was rather harsh with the exception of kind words towards me every once in a blue moon.

I sat down next to Hinata and soon enough a hand that was slightly less tanned than Hinata's came in front of me with a plate of food "I'm not sure how much you eat usually in the morning so I started off small. Tell me if you want more." Izuru spoke in his usual monotone voice. 'I wonder if he talks so flatlined with Hinata and his parents...' I thought to myself as I thanked Izuru and started to eat.

From the corner of my eye, I see Hinata check his phone and then proceed to choke on his food "Holy shit! We're going to be late!" Hinata choked out, showing me the time '8:15' my eyes widen slightly with surprise

"Oh, I didn't even think to check the time." I muttered as I stood up with haste I sped walked to the door "come on Hinata-kun!" I put my shoes on and waited for Hinata to put his shoes on and get his book bag, he opened the door and we both ran out, not wanting to miss the bus.

Both of the teens sat down and let out a relieved sigh I smiled a bit "that was quite nerve wracking, wasn't it.." I said softly, trying to catch my breath. The brunette just nodded with a slight smile.

June's Guilt ♡{KomaHina}♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ