chapter 13 {Long day}

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Monday [8:40 pm]
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-Hajime's POV-

"Helped him?" I questioned, not believing what she was telling me. I looked at her in disbelief. "Yes, you helped him. His scars and bruises healed and faded and he talked to us. He said he was sorry... sorry for ignoring me and Makoto and sorry for harming himself." Kirigiri spoke in a calm manner.

There was silence but it was a mix between comfortable and awkward. Neither of us said anything about it though. I then spoke up "did... did he ever say anything about me?" I questioned with genuine curiosity. I got a nod in response. "All the time. He really enjoyed feeling your hair and just looking into your eyes because in your eyes he felt safe..." Kirigiri wiped her eyes from tears that gently tipped out.

I smiled a bit to myself and stared at the ground. I felt my cheeks become damp with tears and heard myself quietly sobbing. "It's all my fault..." I sobbed as more tears started trickling out of my eyes. Kirigiri looked at me and started rubbing my back soothingly.

"You had nothing to do with his death... and if you did then you aren't Hajime Hinata. Nagito loved you very dearly but felt you were out of his league, which made him feel like you pitied him but even so, he still went on and on about how much he loved you." She explained in a soft tone. She cleared her throat and placed her flowers onto Nagito's parent's grave's then stood up with another bouquet and headed to Nagito's grave.

I followed Kirigiri to Nagito's grave and placed my bouquet of flowers down. I hugged his gravestone and began to cry once again "I miss you so much Nagito... why did you leave me? I could've helped you crush your doubts..." I spoke to Nagito as if he could hear me but as expected, I got no response. I shakily sighed as I wiped away a tear. "I love you Nagito..." I whispered under my breath then stood up, not being able to handle seeing confirmation of his death anymore and so I left the graveyard and walked back home.

I climbed back into my room through my still opened window and gently shut it. I sighed and lyed down on my bed. After some time my eyes slowly fluttered shut and I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

[Tuesday 7:30am]

I woke up to something other than my alarm. It was Izuru hugging me... he was apologizing under his breath over and over again, it reminded me of how Mikan apologizes. "What are you sorry about Zuzu?" I asked sleepily. He looked up at me and spoke "I shouldn't have comforted you like that... it was insensitive." He spoke genuinely with small sobs.

I hugged him back and told him it was fine and that I was just a bit irritated. He stopped hugging me and put his hands on my shoulders "are you sure?" He questioned, I simply nodded and smiled. Izuru smiled back at me and continued to speak "are you going to school today? If you are I could drive you." He offered. I thought about it for a moment before answering. "Yeah I will but I'm okay to go on the bus. I have someone to talk to now."

Izuru nodded and began to walk out of my room. "You better hurry and get ready. I can make breakfast." Izuru spoke in his usual tone. I just nodded in response.


Ouma was next to me but he wasn't acting as if he were a toddler he was almost... serious? He could've been still processing everything so I chose to stay silent and just watch the grassy fields get swayed about in the wind. I heard a soft sigh from the black haired male beside me. "What's wrong, Ouma-kun?" I questioned, wondering the cause of his sigh, he answered with a smile. "Nothing, just sighing."

"Oh, okay. So... why're you being so silent? It's worrying me a bit, did I make you mad?" I asked in a concerned voice. "Pshh! Me, mad? Nah especially not at you. You were honest with me, I hate liars!" He answered with enthusiasm. I was confused at the last part since I was certain he was a chronic liar but I just let it slide. The rest of the bus ride was silent other than Ouma yelling at others on the bus.

-8:45 am-

As I got off the bus I tried looking for Nanami but no luck 'hm, she must be too tired to come to school today.' I thought to myself as I walked into my home room. I sat myself down in a seat which was in the front and closest to the door. "Trying to get away in a hurry?" Yukizome joked halfheartedly. I looked up at her and nodded a bit, looking back down to my desk soon after. She sighed and placed some text books on her desk.

"I'm sorry that people are treating you this way... I know you didn't mean to hurt Nagito." Yukizome spoke softly. I scoffed and felt a bit of irritation growing in me "It's always Nagito this and Nagito that! Why is that all everyone talks about! I've been trying not to think about him because everytime I do, I think of how he-..." I paused after I realized I'd been yelling. "Sorry... I just... Nevermind." I started to tear up a bit and just put my head down on my desk. There was silence.

Just silence.



Pages slowly turning.

Sounds became louder that normally wouldn't be audible.

The bell rang after the long silence, making both me and Yukizome jump a bit. "Ah, time for class already? Jeez where is everyone..?" Yukizome huffed and put her hands on her hips.

-3rd person/Hajime POV-

The other classmates began to walk in and class started. The day was long but all Hajime did was stare at the clock, watching the seconds tick by. Tick... tick... the clock says as if taunting the brunette boy who longed to leave.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick..... each second that passed felt like an hour. The bell that Hajime yearned for wasn't coming soon. He didn't know what period he was in, all he knew was that he wanted to go home.


.. "...jime..?"
"...Hajime..?....ake up..!"

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Sorry I haven't been updating! I promise I'm still writing! I thought I'd have more motivation since it's summer but my motivation actually went down- I'll try to update asap.

1106 words

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