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I was throwing the last stuff out of my locker when Chris walked up to me. "Hey Del mom is already here... but if you want to go home with Matt and Nick that good, she said" Chris said.

Wow maybe this boarding school thing really works Chris is so...calm with me?

"How are you going?" I asked him. "Why? So you can pick the other one?!" He said. "You know what tryouts+training will last until 6:25 pm I will go with Marylou" I said walked to the car. "Okayyy?" Chris said going in the car.

"Chris let Madelynn in the passenger seat!" Marylou said. "Ugh!!" He said while going to the back seat. "Oh...he doesn't have to really!" I said. "No no he will! You can sit hear" she said smiling.

"Sooo aren't you two excited?" Marylou said smiling. "Not really honestly..." I said in the most nicest way possible. "Do Matt and Nick know?!" Chris asked. "No y'all can tell them at dinner." Marylou said. "Mom I don't want to go!" Chris said. "Why not!?" Marylou asked "Mom I haven't left Matt and Nick more then 24 hours?!!!" Chris said sad.

I feel bad for him... he didn't asked for this...I didn't asked for this!...mut I don't care about me right now... he's a triplet, but for 8 months he will be a fucking onelet!

"Thanks for the ride Marylou!" I said opening my front door. "Dinner at mine sweetie! Mom is working late again" Marylou said smiling. "Oh okay!" I said closing the door.

Don't get me wrong I love my mom! But I don't love her job!

"I was packing my suitcases when I hear a knock at my window. Weird I thought Matt was done at 6:25? And Nick I. With him? I opened my curtains "CHRIS?" I said out loud l. "Open the window!" I heard him say. "Oh sorry!" I said opening my window. He jumped right in my room. "What are you doing here boy?" I asked him. "How many suitcases are you taking with you?" He asked. "Umm 2 big ones I thin— wait why are you here? You could just text me?" I said.

"Madelynn... I don't want to go! That why I'm here!" Chris said. "I thought we could just make a hole story so we can stay here... but you are already packing.." Chris said. "Yea...there's nothing I can do about it Chris you heard wat woods said... yeaaa she is not going to give us a second chance...so go pack!" I said punching him out my window. "Okay..." Chris said sad and going in Matt's room and walking to his room. "This kid is going to turn out emo..." that's all I could say.

I was don't and it was 6:20pm so u decided to go to the Sturniolos. I knocked on there door. "Oh hi Del" Chris asked opening the door. He's calling me del more often and he isn't mean?! We haven't even left this country!

"Go wash your hands and come sit with us where just waiting on Matt and Nick" Marylou said... it was just Marylou and Chris, jimmy was still at work and Justin is in college (I don't know if he ever when to college but for the shake of it he did;)

As I sit down we heard the door open. "Hii boys we are all ready waiting on you two!" Marylou said.

"Oh! Hii madz!" Nick said sitting down. "MADELYNN IS HEAR?!" We heard Matt yell from the kitchen. "YES YOU GIRLFRIEND IS HEAR!" Chris yelled anointed.  I kicked him under the table. He just looked at me. "Hahaha funny" Matt said in a sassy way.

"The food is lovely Marylou!" I said putting some more in my mouth. "So wat is the punishment that time" Matt said laughing. Chris and I just looked in each others eyes, I gave him a "you say!" Sign. "Ummm...boarding school... in the uk..." Chris said and grabbing a big bite of his food, I did the Same both making only eye contact with the door. "WHATTT!" Matt and Nick yelled... I think the uk heard them from here.

"Now calm down boys" Marylou said. "When are you guys going?!" Nick asked. "How long?!" Matt asked. "Why?!" Nick asked. " I can go in Chris plays!" Matt said. "One of y'all is going to be murdered by the others!" Nick said. "Omg Chris we have never been apart for more than 24 hour!" Matt said.  When those words left Matt mouth Chris stood up anger and stormed up to his room...
"Too much?" Matt and Nick asked.

Hiiii how are we feeling??? I just want to say THANKS YOU SOOO MUCH FOR READING THIS BOOK!!!
I also want to ask you please vote on every chapter bc that will really help!!! All you need to do is tap on the start on the bottom of your screen<333 THANK YOU!

Bye honeys Xx

(Words 844)

Just us two?! // Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now