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(Didn't proofread sorry!)

"WAKE UP! MADELYNN! WAKE THE FUCK UPPPPP!" Autumn said waking me up. "I'm awake..." I said opening my eyes. "You know what! I am getting u a alarm clock for Christmas!" Autumn said. "But I have u" I said with a smile. "Ha ha funny!" Autumn said fake smiling.

I put on my uniform and Autumn and I walked to breakfast.

"Where are you going?" Autumn asked me. "Call Matthew!" I said smirking and walking to the hall.


Hii Benni!!
Hii Lynn!!
How are you?!
No, how are you!!
Haha good, long time no talk!
Yess! Now how are the lessons?
Boring man!
Soo... now let's talk about your insta post...
Hi Nick!
Okay now about the insta post
Yeah!!! who is that mannnn?!??!
Nick zip it! So when where you going to tell me that you have a boyfriend?
Boyfriend?.... Ohhh Cameron!... he's not my boyfriend!!
Oh yea the insta post said different!!
Nick! Shut up! AND STOP TAKING MY PHONE IM TALKING WITH MADELYNN! Anyways but maybe it isn't your boyfriend but was it a date?!
No! I don't even like that dud!
You know what... call me when Nick is not around.
Yea!! That's so mean!
Miss you
Love you

End call


Chris pov
I heard Madelynn said that she was going to call Matt. And you know what that meansss.... She's going to talk about her love life!!! I need to sneak out to hear... not like I care about her love life....

OH YES she doesn't like Cameron!!!! Great because he is talking to Emma
... and Lilly... and Claire...

Back to Madelynn pov

After a few lessons I had France.... géniale!

"Hello everyone today we have not really a lesson..." Miss Laurent said. I looked at Autumn with a big smile. "she doesn't speak French and said not really a France lesson!!! You know what that means?!?" Autumn said. The hole class started to cheer except for me and Chris. "No what?" I asked Autumn. "SCHOOL TRIPPPP TO FRANCE!!!!" Autumn shouteds. "That's right class!" Miss Laurent. "Where are we going this year?!?! Bordeaux? Le Havre? Wait Marseille???" Emmelie asked smirking after Marseille. "Oh yea Marseille was fun!" June said. "No this year is different... we are going to...." Miss Laurent said. "OHHH TELL US!!" Autumn asked.

"WE ARE GO TO PARISSSS!!" Miss Laurent said. "wait WHAT!" I said. "AHHH" the hole class cheered.

"Where going tomorrow night! So pack something clothes!!! We're going for 3 days. Bye! the rest of the day you are free so do what you want!!" Miss Laurent said smiling and waving.

"So are you excited for Paris?!" Cameron asked me putting a arm around me. "Yes! My first time France and Paris!" I said smiling. "Okay bye Cameron..." I said walking to Autumn. "Omg I'm so excited to go to Paris!" Autumn said opening our dorm room.

Rest of the dat we packed and had fake concerts with our hair brushes!!!

When I heard a knock at the door. "It's probably Allysa, telling us to keep it down." Autumn said. "Okay I'll get it." I said.

"Sorry Allysa- Chris? No no no no no get away!" I said. "No wait we need to talk!" Chris said. "About what?!? I don't want another argument Chris! You literally pushed me down the stairs yesterday! " I said mad. "Yeah and you hit me in the face! ... twice!... anyways I'm hear to talk to you.

Chris pov

Madelynn closed the door and leaned against it looking me deep in my eyes... gosh she looks beautiful with her hair all messed up. "So what do you want to tell me?" She asked. "It's about Cameron I want to tell you that-... that he is sick... yea? And he can maybe not go on the trip..." I said, I wanted to tell her that he is talking to 4 other girl... but she will not believe me.

"Oh okay.... Was that it?" Madi asked me. "Umm yes..." I said nervously. "Okay bye." Madelynn said turning around to open her door.  I walked away but stopped. "You look really pretty..." I said and walked to my dorm. "Thanks." I heard her say.

Back to Madelynn

Chris looked hot...

Okayyy I'm getting in the writing flow LEST GOO!

Bye honeys Xx

(Words 734)

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