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   | b e n t l e y |

     "Am I going to get to meet Austin?" Abby asks as she plops her bag onto my bed. Yes, my 11 year old sister was here to visit for a few weeks. Yes, she did know who Austin was. Yes, she did figure out I like him. 

     "Austin and I didn't work out, Abby," I say to her, but she just scoffs at me. For an 11 year old she acts like a know it all 17 year old. She probably learned it from the 15 year old me. I was a sassy kid, but Abby was 10 times worse.

     "You're so in love," Abby says, making a heart with her hands. I only smack it away with my hand, but she just puts it back. This is what it's like to have a little sister and I hate it most days. But other days she sees how I really feel and has my back like a real sister.

     "Let's just go get some lunch," I tell her, shaking my head at her. I grab her by her arm, pulling her out and to my car. Alex wanted to tag along and I didn't mind. Alex's company is always nice, but I know the whole lunch would be about Austin. Abby was curious as to who he was and Alex is probably excited to tell her.

     I get Abby into the back seat as Alex hops into shot gun. I head to the driver's seat immediately and turn up the radio once the car is started. But Alex changes it to a station that's playing Drake.

Alex made Abby love Drake and that kind of worries me. No not kind of. It really worries me.

     "So Alex do you know Austin?" Abby perks up, and that makes Alex smirk in the seat next to me. I just try to keep my eyes on the road, and zone the two out. But no luck with that one.

     "Yes! He's cute and I don't know why Bentley won't keep talking to him. So what he wants more kids? You can adopt! But for all you know you might not get married. You can have a good time with this guy," Alex says, trying to keep it as PG as he can.

"I want to meet him," Abby states.

"You won't ever meet him. It's over. It's done with," I tell her.

     "Uh Bentley, someone's calling you... starts with an A..." Alex says, but not like I can answer it.  So Alex does herself, talking into the phone with Austin.

     "Madison... Oh... It's Alex... Mhm... I see... I'll come up with something... Bye," Alex says before all of the suddenly she bursts out, "Madison's really sick! Bentley, he needs you." I had to jump in my seat because the mood change was quick.

Alright, what the fuck?

     "Turn around, Bentley! What are you doing?" Alex says, and Abby is clapping her hands and shouting, "Go! Go! Go!" I swear in that moment I didn't know what to do. My heart longed to go help, but my mind said that this was a trick.

But even if it is a trick, I know I want to go.

     So I turn the car around, heading straight to the Mahone household. It's probably dumb of me, but I wanted to see him. I tried to tell myself I didn't, but I couldn't. I couldn't keep lying to myself. It's been awhile since I've been with a guy and Austin seems like an amazing one.

So what he's got a kid?

Madison is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

     I soon pull up, and Alex rushes out. Abby does the same, just looking excited to meet Austin. I have to laugh a bit because Alex still is acting as if I haven't caught on. Alex was never good at acting, but I couldn't tell her that.

     I head in behind them. Alex opens the door only to reveal Austin standing there. Madison is fast asleep in his arms, and the sight made me smile. For some reason, it was pretty cute how he once again used Madison to talk to me.

     Before I can even say anything to Austin, Abby speaks up, "You must be Austin!" She raises her voice a bit and as a big sister I smack behind her head. "Ow," she grumbles, rubbing the back of it while I scold her.

     "Keep it down, Madison is sleeping," I say down to her, before looking back up at Austin. He just grins, shaking his head a bit at us.

"Let me put her in her crib," he whispers, disappearing to go put her in her room.

     I look over at Alex, who just smiles at me as if she was innocent all this time. I just shake my head and laugh a bit. Boy, is she dumb. I just play along because it gives me an excuse to smack her arm.

     I look back over, seeing Austin walking down. It's only been a few weeks, but Austin looked a little different. Tanner. Buffer. Even more exhausted then before. But still good. He always looks good.

     "You must be Abby," Austin says, looking down at my little sister. She just stares at him, looking a little in awe at how handsome he is. Abby's got a little glimmer in her eye, making me realize she just "fell in love" with Austin already.

She looks back over at me, giving a thumbs up, before looking back at him as if he wouldn't notice.

     When I look over at Alex, she's already gone to sit on the couch with her new friends with benefits. Rob. They say they aren't together so I simply call him her friends with benefits. It annoys her, but if she won't admit she likes him then I'll continue to say it.

     I then look back over to see Austin in a deep conversation with Abby. Abby's rambling about something and Austin is just listening. He nods in response, and even sends her a few cute smiles. It was as if I didn't even exist in this moment so I decided to go head up to see Madison.

     I get into her room, and immediately see she's awake. She isn't crying, but she's awake and clutching onto the bars of her crib. It was as if she was waiting for me to come in. Just thinking about it made me smile.

"Hi Madi," I say before reaching in the crib a bit to grab her.

     I pick her up, carrying her over to the small bed Austin bought her for when she's ready to use it. I set her down on it, sitting across from her. She sends me a toothless grin. Well not totally toothless. She's got about three, and it makes me smile.

     She sits there, taking my fingers and tugging on them. I don't mind it either. Just watching her do so is enough for me.

"I wish you were mine, Madison. I'd kill to have a kid like you," I whisper softly before just sitting and listening to her soft giggles and cries.

     I wish I could wake up to this little angel every morning. I wish I could take care of her when she was sick. I wish I could kiss her head goodnight. I wish I could be with an amazing guy like Austin and make a difference in her life.

I let out a sigh as I stare at her.

Then it was as if my whole world changed when she let out two words, "Ma ma."


if this doesn't make your heart hurt then I dont know what will. you all understand how many irony this whole story is, right? all along bentley just couldn't have kids and here we have fucking Madison calling her mom when she isn't even her mom. you know how shitty bentley must feel hearing that, yet how happy she is that madison's first words were spent on her. she learns ma ma because of austin. austin always talks about how he needs to find her ma ma, thinking madison doesn't pay attention. but shes a smart baby. and honestly this story makes me sad because bentley and austin arent together yet and they honestly are so cute and so into each other but too annoying to admit it. and ugh. the irony in this is intense because she just said she couldnt have kids and here she is being called ma ma.

anyways 100 votes at least, maybe?

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