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not edited. check out my new story called what if!

150+ votes for next chapter. This is just a filler. Lots of fluff next chapter.

     | b e n t l e y |

Abby was back in town, and I was babysitting Madison tonight. So Abby was excited and thrilled when I told her about Austin and I. I knew she would be, but being a sister she felt the need to also protect me. It was pretty funny to me. I have my scrawny little sister who is willing to beat up a strong 5'11 boy.

"Gosh I will kick his ass if he makes a wrong move," she curses, and I have to whack the back of her head. Madison squeals at that on the couch, before getting up and walking over to my lap. She sits herself down on it, and grips at my hair.

"Ma ma," she cries, wanting to be held obviously. So I pick her up from under her butt, and bounce her. She just continues to squeal as she tugs at my hair lightly. Austin always yells at her for it now, but I'm the cool one who lets her do it.

"Family Guy," she then says and I have to sigh. Fucking Austin got her to start saying Family Guy cause the boys let her watch it. I don't know how that is appropriate for her, so I always made her watch Princess Sophia. But no. She hates that show and cries whenever I put it on.

I don't know why she would hate a princess show, but I allow her to watch Family Guy. I can't say no to her. So I turn on the tv, and luckily the show is on. Her eyes just avert to that tv as she watches it like a hawk.

"So spoiled," I mumble as I soon set her down next to me on the couch. She cuddles in between Abby and me, and puts her thumb in her mouth. I swear she's going to be a nail biter just like Austin is. I don't want that because his fingers are complete numbs now.

"So I met a boy," Abby starts as Madison is fully concentrated on the tv. I had to groan because for god sakes she is only 11. She turns 12 like next week and I wasn't ready for that. She's growing up so fast, getting her period and all that annoying girl shit. I sorta feel bad for her. I want to tell her to stay young, but she might hate me for it and not agree.

"And who is this boy?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"His name is Marcus. He goes to the middle school down the street from our house," she says before continuing, "He helps mom pull out weeds every once in awhile and yeah, he comes over a lot." She got all shy too. I had to awh at my little sister because by the way her cheeks were getting all pink she definitely liked him a lot.

I go to pinch them, but she whacks my hand away, being careful of Madison. If she even hit her I'd probably disown her as a sister because I've become so attached to Madison that she is my own daughter. I may have not given birth to her, but she is my child. Plus, she looks so much like Austin instead of Devin. Thank god. I don't even wanna think about her anymore. She has no right in Madison's life anymore.

Wow, I sound like a mom.

"Where's Austin?" Abby then asks to change the subject. I just have to sigh at the fact I can't tease her anymore.

"He's at work. He should be back soon," I nod, and Abby gets a little giddy at my words. I know how much she loves Austin after not knowing him that long. But apparently they text? Which I never said was okay, but it's my sister and she's 11. She has no chance. If it was Alex or some shit, it'd be a different story.

"Okay, Madison, time for bed," I say cause Family Guy was ending and it was my last chance to get her to bed. So I pick her up from under her arm pits and tell Abby the same to her. She simply whines but listens, stomping upstairs.

I would tell her to keep in down, but Alex wasn't here. She was staying at Austin's place with Rob now a days. Probably fucking till the sun comes out or something like that. I wouldn't really know, and neither would Austin. But considering he's with me most nights when she isn't, I would assume I am right.

I brought Madison to her crib before setting her down in it and heading off to my bathroom to get ready. Madison didn't cry, in fact, she passed the hell out. I don't blame her. I probably will to, but I got into my tiny pj shorts, and a sports bra, and then brushed my teeth and washed my face.

Took me a good 20 minutes to finish up, and I went to go check on Abby. She was already knocked out in her bed, not even undressed. It was pretty funny to see she didn't even tuck herself in or turn off the light. So I did it myself, trying my best to get a blanket over her before leaving and shutting the light off.

I head back downstairs, before hearing someone unlock the front door. It was Austin because he's got a spare key and he usually comes home around this time. Well, not home. My house. His stuff is scattered around my house though so it's basically his house too.

It's all so very confusing.

I meet him at the bottom of the stairs. I was surprised how happy he looked, with a big grin on his cute little face.

"You look happy," I let out before yawning. All Austin does it laugh a bit, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulls me into his chest, and kisses my forehead.

"And you seem tired, baby."

So he runs his hands down my butt and under my thighs, lifting me up. I immediately cuddle my head into his neck, about to pass out. I was gunna stay up to wait for him, but luckily he came because damn, I am tired. Madison and Abby are exhausting for a whole day.

"Tomorrow, it'll just be a day for you and me. I promise," He then whispers into my ear before I drift off into a deep sleep.

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