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 if this is shitty, I'm so incredibly sorry. next is the epilogue :)

    | b e n t l e y |

"Taking me out to dinner was nice," I tell Austin softly as we walk out of the restaurant together, our hands intertwined with one another. I found myself being tugged closer to him, but not like I minded it. I snuggled my head into his side since I could.

"Anything for my girl," he hums as he presses his lips to my forehead. I can only let out a sigh of relief at the feeling. A sigh in awe really. A sigh of thanks that somehow he stumbled upon me in a grocery store.

I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if that never happened. Would we still have met or would I be with someone else who doesn't deserve me? I know he deserves me because he constantly proves how much he cares about me. I just know deep down that if we never met, I don't think my life would be this amazing. I don't think I would feel so in love or I'd get these stupid butterflies. I don't think I'd be this sensitive or this loving. I don't think I'd even be this understanding.

I don't think I'd ever want someone so badly in my life either. Every muscle in my body aches for Austin. My fingers tingle and my stomach twists and turns. My whole body just imagines his hands on me, and it was starting to become a distraction. I couldn't fully focus on his words because I was simple imagining him touching me.

"Bentley?" he asks, and I have to cut back to reality.

"Sorry, I was thinking," I mumble. Of us fucking. But let's not tell him that part.

"About what?" he asks softly as we walk to his car. Technically, if this was one of my girl friends I'd tell her immediately about how Im hoping Austin and I fuck tonight. But this was Austin and telling him might make things awkward.

"Just life. It's easier to in your arms," I tease, and Austin lets out this perfect laugh. God, it gave me the chills just hearing it. He's laugh is just so god damn beautiful and maybe it's because I'm so in love with him.

That's what makes me uneasy. I'm scared that one day Austin will fall out of love with me. I'm worried that I'll get too worked up then it all goes to shit and I lose him. I don't want to ever lose him now. I don't want to ever be without him. I'm just so comfortable with him that I'm scared I'll lose that comfort and be alone.

When we arrive to Austin's car my thoughts stop, and he goes to open shot gun for me. I hesitantly get in, before he shuts the door and goes to the driver's seat. I was a little too uneasy to really process much anymore because Austin just looked so good looking tonight and I just have never felt so needy. It was unusual to me, and I felt like it would cross too many lines if I went for it.

Austin got in, and the ride back to his house was silent. I didn't mind though because it was comfortable and nice. Austin had placed his hand on my thigh, dangerously close if you ask me. He was rubbing his thumb on the inside of it, and it made me jump a bit. But Austin merely laughed and continued with his motion.

I wasn't sure if this was okay for my well being considering the fact I was so intensely horny. I'd never really wished to utter those words and admit that, but I finally have. Austin turns me on and I was going to have to do something about it.

"Austin," i whine as I feel his hand inch up higher a bit. Usually I would've shook off the hand, but it's Austin's. And I liked it.

"We're almost home Bentley," he assures as if he knows exactly what I want. I mean he probably did.

"God, Bentley, you drive me crazy," he lets out, and I have to glance over at him. His bottom lip is in between his teeth, and he's just trying to not say anything else. He seems so incredibly worked up, and I don't know what to do. I've never seen Austin like this.

And he's even got this look of lust in his eyes. I can tell he was getting impatient at the fact he was driving and we still had a good ten minutes to get home. I'd rather not do it in his car either, but I didn't expect Austin to keep it together that long.

But Austin likes to impress, making it the ten minutes before doing a shitty parking job, and getting out. I got out just as eagerly as he did but Austin scooped me up once I was out. He grabbed me from under my butt, and made me wrap my legs around his waist.

Austin walked to the front door, holding me with one hand while unlocking the door. He pushed it open, walking in, and shutting it behind him before look back at me.

My heart was beating faster then I realized. I was anxious for this moment to happen.

"Please tell me you have a condom," I mumble, and he has to laugh a bit.

"Of course you ask that, and of course I do."

I smile a bit, and before I realize it Austin is connecting his lips to mine. My hands make there way to his hair, combing through it as I kiss him softly. My eyes were shut and I felt he was moving us, but I didn't know where. I just wanted to enjoy this moment and every second after it.

I was still nervous about this because I've never done this before. I didn't know what to expect or how to feel. I didn't know what was going to happen and if this was going to being awkward or not. I didn't know if I looked good enough for it.

My body wasn't anything special.

Soon my back hit his bed. He was softly laying me down, as his lips continued to move with mine. After a few more minutes he moved his lips from mine and I'm staring straight up at him. Both of us are catching out breath, wondering what are next moves are. I can feel myself get shy as his hands go for my pants.

"Are you sure, Bentley?" he then asks softly.

"Always have been," I whisper back to him and of course I meant it.

He takes a moment to read me before saying, "I love you, everything about you."

"I love you too..."

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