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Hi. So I have major writer's block on this story. So please comment and give me ideas on what should happen next. I want something really cool to happen and I just need you guys to have some input and help. Also this is uneditted. I just wanted to post something for you all.

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"No, he isn't answering my texts or my calls. And yes I am worried," I say to Alex, furrowing my eyebrows. I wasn't sure why I was getting so worried, but this is Austin and he's dumb as hell. Who knows what could happen while I'm away? Who knows if Madison is even okay? But I wanted to drive over and check on them.

"He's probably fine. Don't get so worked out," Alex says back to me, but that just made me glare at her. She backed down after that, slumping down on the couch. I was left to pace back and forth in the kitchen nearby. I was contemplating shooting him a text or just shooting him in general for making me get so worried.

I mean, shooting another text wouldn't kill me. But I'd look needy as hell. I didn't wanna act so worried because he might hate needy. He might hate me right now for some reason. I mean, we're on good terms. We make out when we see each other so I call that good terms. And I mean I'm not his girl friend so I didn't have a right to know anyways.

But he is in love with me. That should mean I have rights. I guess. If it's an excuse to text him again then I'd take it. So I pull out my phone shooting Austin another text that adds to my other two.


How's Madison?

Are you even alive?

Maybe a little over the top, but I was worried and I needed him to just text back an okay and I'd be fine. But after another 30 minutes he didn't answer, and I had work so I couldn't go to his house. I just put on my black polo, and some black ripped jeans. Then I grabbed my purse and headed off to work.

I arrived quickly, and put my purse in the back along with my phone. Then I got an apron and was off to work. I was really distracted though because Austin wasn't at work today. He asked Maya to take his shift and since she's so in love with him. She accepted it, of course. So now I'm stuck putting away different types of cheeses with her instead of my guy.

"So do you know what Austin had planned?" I ask Maya softly because maybe she knows since she practically stalks him. I'd be surprised if she knew more then me, but then again no. I don't think Austin tells her much when it comes to taking his shifts. I don't think he likes to even tell her shit about him. He's just gets all uncomfortable around her, looking at me for help.

Wow, I miss him.

She just sighs and says, "He said he had a date."


I think my heart broke a little bit.

I didn't talk to Maya for the rest of the time we were putting cheese away. I just sat in my own thoughts wondering who the hell he was going on a date with. I thought Austin and I were something special. Like what the fuck? You don't tell a girl you love her and then go on a date with someone else. Who the fuck does he think he is?

I was just ready to go home and take a bath. I didn't care if he texted back or not now. All I cared about was if I wanted a bubble bath or just a regular one.

I know this shouldn't bother me, but it did. It really did. It wasn't okay for him to tell me he loved me and then go on other dates. It wasn't a friendly 'I love you' either. It was a 'I am in love with you and most likely want to see you naked' because this is Austin were talking about. For all I know he could be fucking this girl because we haven't yet.

Shit, maybe the fact we aren't fucking is a problem. Should I fix that? No, I can't win him over with sex. I can't do that. I mean it's a total Alex move, but not me. Just the thought of sex freaks me the hell out. I mean, I know not much can happen to me from it, but it still always freaked me out. I didn't wanna expose myself to someone. I just... god, I'd be so vulnerable.

I hated thinking about this too, and luckily my boss let me off early. When I grabbed my purse, I immediately pulled out my phone to find nothing expect Alex asking when I'll be home. I told her I was on my way now, and all of the sudden she sends me the grocery list and begs me to get her coffee too.

I don't know why but I just decided to do it. it was a ridiculous grocery list which pissed me off. It was useless shit, but if I don't get it Alex will kick my ass. But she was making me by Ben and Jerrys and that shit is expensive. I love it though so I didn't object on it. Some things I didn't get though. I'll just tell her they didn't have it. Honestly, I didn't have time to buy this useless shit. I wanted to go home.

So I wrap up my shopping and go to check out. I got a discount and then went to starbucks to pick up some dumb coffee. She didn't even like starbucks that much but too fucking bad. I just want to take a bath and not think about Austin going on a date. The thought of it, just ripped at my heart and I was tired of it.

God, I was so into him and I hated every second of it right now. I wish I didn't. I wish I could exchange these feelings for something else like money. I don't know. I just really didn't want them to be in my life. I was so hurt and sad and upset and exhausted. I really need a bath.

I got home, bringing the coffees in on a tray. I left the groceries in the car, probably going to make Alex get them or something. I did too much today and I'm ready to take a bath. Like I am now planning on actually taking one from thinking about it so much.

I unlock the front door, opening it and simply going silent when I see a surprising sight in front of me. Rose petals lead from the front door and up the stairs to most likely my bedroom. I really didn't know. But I doubt Alex did this because she sat on the kitchen counter, smirking her ass off. I just went over to her, setting her coffee down. I got a tea so I put it in the fridge and told her to undo the groceries.

"Go upstairs already," she then sneers as she makes her way to the car. No wonder why she made me do all the shopping. Someone was doing this for me, and I had a feeling who it was. Wow, my heart was racing about a million miles per second at the thought. I wasn't so upset anymore because his date was with me.

Fuck, I love feelings again.

I head up the stairs following the little rose petal trail all the way to the bathroom instead of the bedroom. When I walked in I found a nice bubble bath, with candles light all over the damn bathroom. And Austin was standing right in the center of it, grinning like a child. I had to smile back but all my worried drifted the hell away. He knew me so well, and it amazed me. It literally blew my mind that in this short period we've gone so attached and smart of each other's feelings.

"I'm guessing Maya told you I had a date. But she didn't know it was with you."

Just him saying that made me smile. I was trying not to show my teeth because I didn't want to look anymore dumb then I already did. Austin smiled back of course, taking a few steps forward to be right in front of me. His hands found my waist while mine found their way around his neck. This was so natural to us already, which scared me sometimes.

He presses his forehead against mine, whispering, "How was your day?" Just the question made me smile and feel like we were some old married couple.

"Tiring, and I was worried about you," I admit softly, and fuck it felt good to get off my chest to me.

"Alex, told me. I'm sorry, baby girl."

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad your here and you made me a bath," I admit, moving from him. I was ready to get in and just relax. It was filled with bubbles. You couldn't even see the water underneath.

"Gimme a kiss for you get in."

I have to smile before moving so my lips to connect to his. We kiss for a short moment. This was more just mutual happiness instead of lust or need. It was just a sweet kiss to remind each other how happy we are together. I liked it too.

"Now, you get in and call me when your under and I'll sit by and keep you company."

Fuck, he knows me so well and god, do I love him.

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