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I WANNA APOLOGIZE FOR MY WRITERS BLOCK. THIS IS A FILLER CHAPTER. I added more to it btw!!!! 150 votes for next update

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I lay in bed, twirling Bentley's hair in my fingers. No, we weren't naked. And no, we weren't going to sleep. We were watching some movie on Netflix that I forgot the name of, but instead we just started to talk and talk and talk. We talked for hours about anything and everything and I decided to bring something up,

"So you can't have kids?" I say softly, not really wanting to upset her. If it wasn't for me playing with her hair and calming her down, she probably would've went off and tensed up. Maybe the fact we both admitted how we felt helped the situation too, but she seemed calm. She didn't really want to talk about it, but she still did.

"Yeah... I can't," she mumbles, and I could tell she was trying not to get so emotional. I had her wrapped up in my arms so I pull her closer to me by her waist, and continuing to twirl a strand of hair in between my fingers.

"It's okay, Bentley. I have Madison and you. That's all I need," I nod, which may be a slight lie, but I'm not even close to ready to having another kid. I love Madison, and I'd love to start a family, but I need time. I've recently learned a lot more about kids, and how expensive they are so I'm good.

"Austin, you don't get it..." she sighs, a little frustrated about it all. I couldn't say I did either because I don't have that problem. I don't have a vagina. I don't have eggs. I don't know what it's like to find out I can't have kids when it's pretty obvious I can because the little satan is downstairs herself.

"Then try to explain it to me. You got my attention and I'll listen to every word. I'll just try to understand it, but it doesn't bother me. It doesn't change the fact I'm in love with you. Everything is still the same. Everything will stay that way," I assure her, and it did seem to comfort her. But she didn't seem totally okay. I can understand why, but I knew who would cheer her up.

"You know what? You don't have to talk about it. You can when you're ready," I nod, but soon I am continuing, "I'll be right back." I slid away from her, and then down the stairs. When I headed down I saw Ac was just watching tv with Madison. So I swooped her off his lap, and brought her upstairs to Bentley.

When I walked in, Bentley looked over my way. She had to smile when she saw Madison. And Madison squealed when she saw Bentley. "Ma ma. Ma ma," she starts to say, and I had to smile so big.

Ma ma. Yes, your mama. Not by blood. But she's your mom and she will always be your mom no matter what.

That's what I wanted to say, but I had to keep that instead. I think that might freak Bentley out or something. I don't know really, but I just got her and I don't wanna mess up anymore.

Even though all I do is mess up. I'd try over and over and over again just to get it right. I would try my best to keep her happy even when I did mess up. I'd try to prove myself to her after it. I'd do anything which makes me probably look pathetic, but I'm so fucking in love. I can't think straight.

I go to set Madi down on her lap, and she immediately clings to Bentley. Bentley was sitting up now, and holding Madison's hands. She kept saying over and over, "Ma ma. Ma ma." I guess she's got a lot to say today. More then she ever has. But Bentley has that effect on people. Including me.

I sat next to Bentley, looking down at my beautiful little girl still. "Da da," she then croaks, looking over at me.

I go wide eyed, "Finally! Oh my god. Shit, Bentley did you hear that?" I ask her, and I don't know what came over me. But something just hit me. I'd be waiting so long for that little devil to call me her dad. She probably took longer because I was shit at being a dad and Bentley was just the angel for a mom. I couldn't tell Madison the truth, and get her to know Bentley really isn't her mom. But she wouldn't listen. I know she wouldn't understand. And nor did I really want to tell the truth. I didn't like knowing the truth already.

Bentley played with her little tiny hands after laughing at me a little. I was just still in awe at my smart baby girl. Then I look at my other baby girl and have to smile. She's smiling too. That makes me incredibly happy seeing she's happy. I guess, maybe it's dumb to be so cheesy and in love with her and her smile, but I am.

I am so incredibly in love with Bentley and I'm glad she knows that.

Yeah, we've known each other for a good month or two, but that doesn't matter. When you know, you just know. That's what my mom told me once. I just hoped she was telling the truth because I got this feeling and I know Bentley ain't going to be leaving any time soon.

"You make me so happy," I decide to blurt out to her. No she isn't my girlfriend either. We decided to just see how we feel in a few days, but I was planning on asking her. There was no doubt in my mind I wouldn't. I also was so anxious to have sex, which was bad, but I didn't know if she wanted to wait or get it over with.

But I'm a horny teenage boy and I have needs. Plus, she might be cool with it. We don't really need a condom.

At least I know I can't have more kids...

Okay, that was a cruel, yet true.

Bentley looks over at me, smiling softly with those plush pink lips of hers. But then she looks back at my little girl, and I'm left just staring and smiling like an idiot. I had to pull out my phone to take a picture. I took a few, and both of my girls are just smiling and grinning.

That just makes me happy. It makes me really happy actually and I can't wait to do this almost every day. I'd probably let Bentley move in already because I'm so sure of her and of us.

Devin hasn't came back after what I told her. Bentley told me she just took the first flight to LA. All of her friends just shut her out which was good for Bentley's sake. None of them knew what Devin was planning. I guess that's good because then they sided with Bentley all the way.

I heard Alex was going to go after that bitch for Bentley's sake. I had to laugh at that because from what I've seen and heard about Alex it sounds like she would actually do that. I guess, I was glad my baby's got good friends. Ones that stick by her. I hope when Madison grows up she gets friends like that. Ones that stick with her even in times of trouble. I know that whole mom situation upset Bentley badly. I understand why too.

Even I was upset by the whole thing. What Devin said pissed me off. How she claimed I just used Bentley to replace her. When there was nobody there to replace. I just came upon Bentley and it's not my fault she's fucking perfect. A little bitchy, but still perfect. Absolutely amazing to my kid and me. All I ever need.

Bentley, Madison, and me. I liked the sound of that.

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