Chapter 15

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*CONTENT WARNING! READ THIS BEFORE CONTINUING!* This chapter is lessons 15 AND 16 compacted into one. There is gore and lots of blood. I rewrote the Belphie scene so there is forced suicide so just a warning.

The eight of them made their way to the Demon lord's castle. Lucifer raised a gloved hand and knocked on the door. Barbatos answered almost immediately and escorted them inside. He didn't seem surprised by them being there, almost as if they were expected.

Lucifer marched right up to Diavolo with a determined look on his face. "Diavolo, I want to talk with you."

Diavolo smiled at him as if nothing was wrong. "Well hello, Lucifer. I assumed as much when I saw you at the door."

"Lucifer, if I'm not mistaken, aren't you supposed to be under house arrest?" Barbatos said with a cold tone.

Lucifer ignored his question, instead looking at Diavolo. "I'll accept whatever punishment is due. But there's something else we need to take care of first."

Barbatos looked at all of them and narrowed his green eyes, his gaze stopping on her. "What do we have here? Has the entire family come along?"

Satan smirked at him. "Well, what do you expect? We are family after all."

"So you've all come as a moving show of support and brotherly love, then? Hmm... But it seems that two among your number neither qualifies as relatives or demons." Barbatos looked at her and Kieran.

Beel stepped forward. "That's right. Cassandra and Kieran aren't demons nor related to us but... That doesn't mean we can't be on the same side. Isn't that right you guys?" He looked over at them expectantly.

"You bet Beel." Cassandra smiled back at him. "You got it, big guy." Kieran purred back at him.

"... I see." Diavolo smiled widely as he looked at her. "Well Cassandra, Kieran, you two may be human, but it seems that you've found a home here in the Devildom. I have to say I find that comforting. Now then, Lucifer, how about we hear what you have to say." Diavolo's expression turned serious as he turned to look at Lucifer.

Lucifer raised his chin. "...Diavolo never before have I opposed you in any matter until now. Give me back my brother... Give me back Belphegor... Please." Lucifer's expression turned pleading as Diavolo let out a heavy sigh.

"...Truth be told I knew. I knew you were hiding Belphegor and I knew why. Your loyalty to me forced you to deceive your brothers, and I knew it was a source of guilt. I saw how you struggled with it and it made me sad." He said with a pained look as Lucifer lowered his head.

Beel frowned looking frustrated. "If that's true then give us back Belphegor! That would solve everything wouldn't it?!"

Cassandra bit her lip as Diavolo shook his head. "The Devildom, the Celestial realm, and the human world. The balance between our three worlds is a delicate and fragile thing. In order to maintain this balance we must have rules. Belphegor sought to violate those rules and that is something I cannot overlook."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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