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🍒Wooyoung "I'll pay" San suddenly got up, now removing his hand from my thigh and went straight to the cute waiter

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"I'll pay" San suddenly got up, now removing his hand from my thigh and went straight to the cute waiter. I gulped because I just knew that San would make him feel anxious just by his simple presents.

We all looked at the scene and the waiter soon looked like a scared puppy. "He's so intimidating" Yunho commented whereas I just looked at the mysterious man.

"Yeah he is" I mumbled, still amazed by the dark aura of this man.

San went back to our table and helped me to get up. "Thanks man" Mingi thanked San for paying just like Yunho did.

Now, I looked San into his eyes and said "thanks" he just smiled for a second and then leaded me out of the restaurant.

The cute waiter who was all flirty before now looked at the floor when I walked past him.

Dear lord, San, you scared the hell out of this poor young man

The cold air hit my face as soon as we stepped outside. I looked to San who suddenly stared at me. I smiled at him and winked in order to make him laugh.

"Maybe we could go on a walk" San suddenly whispered into my ear, which made me giggle. "It's already very late. We all have practice tomorrow" I said and also pointed at San to show him that it also included him.

"Fine, but I'll drive you home" San said. Yunho and Mingi almost observed us whilst we were talking which was a bit embarrassing but I tried to act normal.

"You don't have to, I can walk" I said with a smile whereas San only sighted. The male obviously didn't want me yo walk but I still wanted to tease him a bit and see how he'd react.

"Please, it's dangerous for you to walk alone" he said and already dragged me to his car. Mingi's jaw dropped as soon as he realized that the luxurious car right next to us was San's

"Holy- that's yours?!" Mingi almost yelled and San only nodded not showing any emotion. The tall male walked around the car and looked at it up close starting to ask San a ton of questions.

I laughed but I suddenly noticed that something in my pocket vibrated. I took my cellphone just to see that Yeosang was calling me.

I gulped as soon as I saw his name on the screen. We were friends for so long but I still couldn't grasp why he started to have feelings for me.

I only had two options: act like everything was fine and I didn't know about how he felt or confront him and risk that our friendship would be awkward in the end.

"Wooyoung?" I almost didn't realize that I pressed the green button but now it was to late and I had to answer him. "Hey Yeo, are you alright?" I asked him and turned around because now everyone I was with was quiet.

"I wanted to ask you the same thing" Yeosang said worriedly. I gulped and sighted loudly. "Yeah I guess I am alright" I replied and looked the street that was almost empty.

"Can we meet? I want to apologize" Yeosang said, which made me nervous. I never felt nervous before in front of Yeosang. But now that I knew that he developed feelings for me, it suddenly felt different to talk to him.

"Let's see each other tomorrow, alright? It's late and I have practice tomorrow morning" I suggested and only heard a 'sure' from Yeosang.

The whole conversation, I felt San's dark brown eyes on me. It somehow felt like he didn't want me to talk to Yeosang. And he wasn't even ashamed to show me his almost normal angry face.

"See you tomorrow, sleep well. Love ya" Yeosang said just like he normally did. But suddenly I didn't accept his word normally anymore. Act normal, woo. I told myself.

"Love you too bye" I answered and finally pressed the red button in order to stop the conversation.

Everyone's eyes laid on me but Yunho broke the silence first. "Soo I guess Mingi and I will go home now" he started and waved at us.

"See you tomorrow" he added, whereas I forced a smiled and waved back at the two, who now left, leaving me and the angry cold San alone.

As soon as they entered Mingi's car, I stopped waving and looked at san who still didn't move an inch. He looked mad.

"What's wrong?" I asked him but San still didn't look like he wanted to answer or even say something.

"Nothing, c'mon you need to sleep in order to be fit for practice tomorrow" San replied whereupon he opened the door for me. I nodded and thanked him.

The drive was quiet. It seemed like San was very focused on the street. Therefore I didn't want to annoy him.
And I was also glad that he didn't want to talk about the weird Yeosang-situation.

When we reached my dorm, I looked at San. But as the gentleman he was he got out of his car in order to open the door for me yet again.

"San, you don't have to do this all the time" I laughed but the handsome man with the beautiful siren eyes just shook his head.

"It's a pleasure" he replied showing me once again that he was a true gentleman.

The moon lightened his face beautifully. I looked into his gorgeous eyes just to see that they were shimmering.

Maybe because of the moon- but inside I hoped that it was because he felt just as nervous and happy like me.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said and smiled at him. The handsome man in front of me immediately smiled back.

And once again I noticed how much I adored his smile. Never had I seen such cute dimples before. They stood in contrast to his cold and introverted personally. I liked it.

"Sleep well, Wooyoung"

"Sleep well too, San. And make sure to dream of me"

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