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🍒Wooyoung "Yeonjun" I whispered

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"Yeonjun" I whispered. I wasn't able to move anymore. The male just mad me so nervous and anxious that nothing worked. The taller looked at me and immediately smirked.

"Hey gorgeous" he said which made me cringe. I tried to pass him but Yeonjun suddenly grabbed my wrists. He smiled at me. "Where are you going?" He asked me whilst smirking.

I tried to get out of his grip but the taller was much stronger than I was. "Leave me alone" I said but he only grinned at my attempt to make him loose his grip.

"Let's have some fun upstairs shall we?" He said and dragged me upstairs whilst I didn't know how to free myself.
I suddenly really missed how protective San was and I hoped that he didn't leave yet.

"The fuck you think you doing" someone pushed Yeonjun harshly away from me. I looked at the muscular figure and saw san who helped me out once again.

"Gosh calm down. It was just a joke" Yeonjun said anxiously but one could clearly hear that he was lying. I gulped and looked at the scared tall male.

"Get lost before I'll hurt you!" San said in an angry tone and Yeonjun immediately ran downstairs in order to get lost in the mass of people.

I looked at the floor because I was embarrassed about the fact that San had to help me again. The taller just came up to me and laid his warm soft hand on my left cheek.

"Hey..are you alright?" San whispered into my ear. I just looked at the floor whereupon the male just started to rub my cheek carefully in order to comfort me, which actually helped a lot.

"Yeah I think so" I mumbled and carefully looked up to look him into his hazelnut eyes. He hugged me and once again I melted into the taller's touch.

"Shall we sit down for a moment?" He asked me carefully whereupon I only nodded. He leaded me into one of the bedrooms and closed the door behind us. We sat down and San still rubbed my back in order to make me feel save.

"You need to trust me. I know what I did wrong today" San suddenly started to talk about the things that happened today. "Yeah.." I mumbled and looked down again.

"Where's the happy sassy wooyoung?" San asked me and looked at me as if he waited for something.

I sighted and finally looked up once again. "It just happened too much today. I feel overwhelmed" I admitted and looked into his hazelnut eyes.

"I know that we are not in a relationship or so but somehow this doesn't feel right..so much happened. I think we should stop seeing each other. It's for the better" I got up and looked at San who now looked at me with an open mouth.

I didn't think that I could ever make San speechless. But I guess I just did.

It hurt my heart to say it out loud but I needed to focus on myself and my friends again. San was only there for two days and so much drama happened. I didn't know how to handle it.

"Wooyoung why- I helped you so much why do you push me away now?" He asked me but I just shook my head.

"Yeah I am grateful that you helped me but I just don't think that this is right" I mumbled and opened the door.

San got up too but he still wasn't able to say something. "See you" I just said and then left the room. I went downstairs as fast as I could and called an Uber after I went outside.

Gladly San wasn't able to follow me because of the mass of people.

I did the right thing. He seemed to be toxic and now I clearly distanced myself from such a behavior.

It didn't change the fact that I was only able to think of San but I somehow felt a bit relieved.

"Wooyoung? Why are you on your own?" Someone asked me. I looked beside me just to see Seonghwa. "Oh I am just waiting for my Uber to arrive" I said.

"It's not save for you to stand here all alone" he said and smiled at me. I forced a smile and shook my head. "I am fine" I said and showed him a soft smile.

"Looks like san really likes you" he suddenly mentioned. I sighted because I didn't want to be reminded of what happened today.

"Well I just told him that I didn't want to see him again so. There's nothing between us anymore and it never was" I clarified whereupon Seonghwa looked at me with big eyes.

Probably because he didn't expect me to be so cold about the topic.

"Soo this means I can ask you out?" He suddenly started whereupon I looked at him confusedly because I didn't know what he tried to tell me.

Maybe the alcohol made me a bit blind.

"I don't know" I laughed and waited for my Uber to finally arrive. I just didn't like the thought of someone other than San being this close to me

"Sorry I didn't want to force it or so. You have my number. Maybe we can do something as friends" he pointed out and I smiled at him. "Of course"

This time it was a real smile. It was a real smile because Seonghwa was a nice boy and I actually liked the thought of us being friends.

Gladly the Uber stopped right in front of me and I was able to get inside the car. "See you" I said and waved at seonghwa who now waved back.

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