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🍒Wooyoung I looked at San who now stood right in front of me

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I looked at San who now stood right in front of me. When his eyes met mine, I stopped breathing for a second. I haven't seen him from up close in a long time. Sadly I almost forgot how handsome this man was

"Wooyoung, I am so sorry. It's my fault, I started this fight with him and-" I interrupted him and shook my head. "Don't apologize. It was Jimin who ruined my shirt not you" I replied and tried to stay calm

I got lost in his eyes for a moment and it almost seemed like he was lost in mine too. Maybe I was just exaggerating - but the tension thickened the air

"How 'bout I borrow you my hoodie" San said and pointed on his grey hoodie. I shook my head. "No it's fine. I'll just go home I guess" I mumbled and looked away for a second

"Don't be delusional. I am wearing a shirt underneath" San said

Dear god, if you exist - make me resist this man once

"C'mon let's find a room where you can get changed" san said and took my hand in order to lead me to one of the bedrooms where I would be able to change into his hoodie

My heart skipped a beat when the handsome man took my hand

I forgot how it felt like to touch him.
I forgot how much I liked it

We entered an empty room and the male closed the door behind him. He immediately stripped his hoodie whereupon I looked at him with wide eyes

He had a tight gym shirt underneath it, making me almost speechless. I sat down on the unfamiliar bed and looked at San

He now handed me the hoodie.

I looked at the fabric with the urge to say something about our current situation.

"So you didn't lie to me" I mumbled and looked up to see his reaction. The handsome male suddenly got closer and kneeled down right in front of me.
"As I said: I'd never dare to lie to you"

"San please don't make this even harder" I mumbled and looked into his beautiful hazelnut eyes that just told me to be his already

"You're the one making this hard" he said and got up again. I got up too in order to turn around and change into San's hoodie.

"Why me?" I asked him whilst being greeted by the most delicious smell of cologne when I put his hoodie on. I turned around and looked at him

"You just look so beautiful" he mumbled and looked at my new fit. He seemed to enjoy his view since I was wearing his clothes

"San no" I mumbled and tried to hide that I actually liked his compliments. "Don't you miss me?" San suddenly mumbled and sat down whereas I looked at the taller with watery eyes

"I am not going to answer that" I replied and tried to hide my sadness as well as my delusional excitement and nervousness.

Of course I missed him. I missed talking to him, I missed spending time with him. I missed everything about this generous caring man that made me think about him 24/7.

"Wooyoung, I don't think I can do this anymore" the male suddenly admitted and looked at me with a weird face. I gulped. "What do you mean?" I asked

"I can't stay away from you anymore"
The male said whereupon my heart skipped a beat again. He knew exactly what he did to me saying these words

In my mind, I knew that I wanted to be close to him again. But my head still told me to keep my distance because he was a toxic man

"Just give me one more chance and I'll show you that there won't be any trouble" San said and I looked at the man with a straight face

"And what was that today?" I asked him and pointed at my stained shirt. San sighted and looked at the shirt before he answered me.

"He won't bother us anymore" San tried to convince me but I shook my head remembering the scene from before.

Jimin won't be the last jealous boy. San was a handsome and famous man on campus. There'd be so many boys and girls fighting over his attention and I didn't know, if I wanted that

"There's no 'us' " I mumbled and looked on the floor in order to avoid San's eyes

The male got up and walked up to me just to lift up my chin with two of his fingers. His touch was gentle - soft and gentle

"Please I am begging you. Can we be close again?" He asked me - no, he begged me. But why? Why did this handsome and stunning man care about me?

"I need some time to think about it" I mumbled and opened the door in order to leave the room before San was able to say anything else

"Hey pretty boy, down for a drink?" I felt someone's grip when I walked downstairs. I looked at the person.
It was a good looking boy around my age.

"Sure why-" suddenly I felt someone turning me around from behind. It was no one other than Choi san himself who now looked at me sternly.

"What do you think you're doing" he whispered into my ear making me get the chills because of his mad tone. I put on a poker face

"Getting a drink with someone. Is there any problem?" I asked him sassily whereas San looked at me with his siren angry eyes "yes there is" he replied

I just didn't listen to him anymore and followed the other boy downstairs in order to get a drink with him 

I could feel San's stare in my back. I knew that he felt angry and mad now. But so what? He was always so bossy. Maybe he needed to feel that now

"So what's your name?" I asked the guy whilst he purred some alcohol into two cups. The boy smiled and answered "Jaemin"

I nodded and added "I'm Wooyoung"

I looked at his facial proportions. There were almost perfect. He had great visuals. I wondered why I never noticed him before

"Yeah I know. You and San are very very popular you know that?" Jaemin asked me and handed me the filled cup. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I mean not really" I mumbled and took a sip of my drink. Jaemin just looked at me. Somehow I knew the name Jaemin. I remembered him actually having a boyfriend

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I mumbled and looked at him trying to find out the truth about this boy. "We're on a break" he just said and leaned against the counter

"Oh looks like your admirer also put you on a break" Jaemin said and pointed outside were I was able to see San with someone else

San was smoking a cigarette whilst a good looking boy tried to get closer to him. I went to the window in order to figure out who he was

I didn't know the smaller boy that was right beside him but I could only imagine how hard he'd try to get his attention

"I see that you don't like the sight. You can leave, if you want to. I am not mad or so" Jaemin laughed and poked my side amusedly

I looked at the taller. Actually I was thinking about running outside and pulling San away from that cute boy

"No I don't think I should do that" I mumbled and looked at my cup for a second. Jaemin sighted. "You should or else this boy will maybe impress him" he said and pointed at he male who now stood pretty closely to San

I gulped because I didn't like the sight at all. "You don't have to admit that you're jealous. You can just go to him and tell him you're not feeling well" Jaemin suggested

I wouldn't feel well if I'd lie to San.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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