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TW! Sexual assault

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TW! Sexual assault

After everyone left besides Yunho and I, Yeosang got up from the bench and walked up to us. "That looked so exhausting" he commented and smiled at us.

"It was" Yunho replied and smiled back. But he soon noticed that Yeosang had the intention to talk to me in private so he waved at us and said "I'll leave you guys alone. See ya" whereas he left.

"So how bout we grab something to eat today?" Yeosang asked me nicely whereupon I forced a smile again.

I didn't know why I still felt this awkward in his presence but I just couldn't help myself.

"I am a bit busy today. Maybe another time" I replied whereas I felt bad because Yeosang and I usually did a lot of stuff together but now I kind of pushed him away from me.

"Oh that's fine you can just text me when you're free" he said with a sad smile on his face. I nodded and waved at him because I was close to crying even though I wasn't much of a sad person.

Yeosang left and I waited on the fiel for San to end his practice. I didn't want to interrupt them so I just stood there and waited for him to come to me.

I didn't know why I just wanted to hug San and cry. Maybe because the boys who watched us today were distrusting or maybe because the whole situation with Yeosang made me feel sad and awkward.

But the only thing I wanted to do was fall into his arms and tell him about how I felt right now.

I waited for half an hour but then the footballer's practice was finally over. Everyone went into the changing room, not forgetting to wink at me or wave at me. But I couldn't care less.
I only looked for San, who finally saw me after some minutes.

"Woo-" I interrupted him because I fell into his strong arms. He didn't say anything but just hugged me tightly. Just like I wanted him to.

"What's wrong angel?" He said and pulled me even closer. My heart skipped a beat when the taller called me angel but I needed to focus.

"We had a big audience today...a-and Yunho told me that someone said I wear a tiny skirt today and that's why they all came" I said with watery eyes whereas I felt how tense San got

"These mother-" he stopped himself from swearing and now looked at me. "You could've just waved at me and I would've fight them right away" he said and I nodded. "Yeah should've have done that" I mumbled and looked at the floor.

The handsome man in front of me suddenly lifted my chin carefully, which made my heart skip a beat.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that there won't be any disgusting boys next time" he said and I nodded and hugged him again, which he seemed to enjoy because his muscles relaxed just like mine did.

"Thank you sannie" I replied and almost melted into the taller. I loved how our hug felt like. His arms were the only arms that made me feel save.

"Of course" he answered and rubbed my waist for a second. I smiled and took a step back in order to look at his handsome - now sweaty - face again.

"How was your first practice? What position will you be?" I asked him interested when we slowly went to the changing rooms. "I'll be quarterback" he said which made me speechless.

"Woah!" I said and clapped into my hands because I was happy for him that he already got such an important position.

"Are you free today?" San suddenly asked me before I was able to enter the changing room for cheerleaders. I looked at him and tried to figure out what his intention was

This man was a mystery for me. I just couldn't figure out what he was thinking or if he was really interested in me. Maybe he still just wanted to befriend me.

"I guess so" I answered and smiled at him, now waiting for him to tell me what he planned to do.

"One of the boys invited us to a party. Do you want to join Mingi and me?" He asked me, whereupon I nodded. 

Actually I wasn't really a person who enjoyed going to parties. I rather went to parties because of my friends. But sometimes I liked to dance a bit. And therefore I agreed.

"I'll pick you up at eight" he winked at me and I nodded with a big grin on my face. I waved at him and then finally went into the changing room that was already empty because everyone went home.

I smiled and went to my locker in order to change.

Suddenly someone entered the room and closed the door behind him. I looked up and saw Yeonjun. He was pretty popular student at our university.

"Hey Yeonjun! What brings you here?" I asked him because Yeonjun wasn't a cheerleader or football player. Therefore it was weird that he was inside our changing room.

"You" he said and winked at me. I laughed out loud and tried to stay calm. We weren't really friend so I didn't know what he wanted from me.
Actually I was a bit afraid of what he planned on doing.

"What do you mean?" I asked him and closed my locker again in order to look at him properly.

"You know, I've been keeping an eye on you for quiet some time now. But today you just look so beautiful, I can't help myself anymore" he said out of a sudden.

I gulped and leaned against the lockers because I didn't know how to react. Inside I just wished that San was still in the other locker room and he might've heard what Yeonjun said.

"Well thank you I guess but I still don't know why you're here- inside the changing room" I said and gulped again.

Yeonjun laughed and got closer to me, which made me even more nervous.
Please San just help me.

"Nothing much, just wanting to look at you up close" he said and grinned in way that frightened me. He suddenly laid his hand on my hip and pulled me closer to him.

"Please leave me alone Yeonjun. I don't like where this is going" I replied and showed him a disgusted face. The male didn't listen to me at all, his grip got harder and he tried to get even closer to me.

"You clearly like it" he said and whispered into my ear which I didn't like at all. I didn't know how to help myself so I just yelled "San!!" Hoping that the taller might've heard me.

Not even two seconds later the door opened and San entered the changing room without any hesitation.

He grabbed Yeonjun by his collar and smashed him against the wall. "The fuck you think you're doing?!" San yelled at him with a fearless voice, whereas Yeonjun looked at him frightened.

"N-Nothing" he stuttered when he saw San's siren eyes madly staring at him.

"I'll give you three second to leave. Otherwise I can't promise that you'll be able to walk anymore!" San said in a scary dark tone whereupon Yeonjun immediately got up and ran away.

I just looked at the scene in front of me as if Yeonjun wasn't gone. San immediately looked at me worriedly. "Are you alright?" He asked me and went up to me to check if I was fine.

"Yeah I think so" I mumbled and hugged him tightly again. It was the only way to make me feel comfortable and protected again.

He said nothing but just hugged me.

"Can you stay here?" I asked him and the male immediately nodded. "I just won't change its fine I'll just walk home" I said whereupon the male shook his head.

"No please, I'll stay with you and I'll drive you home" San said worriedly. I looked at him softly. "You're just too nice" I mumbled against his skin, when I hugged him- again.

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