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🍒Wooyoung We got into San's car whereas the taller looked at me

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We got into San's car whereas the taller looked at me. "I really want to help you. You look sad" he said.

I smiled at him and shook my head. "Don't worry. I am fine" I said and looked at him with a small smile on my face. The male just looked at me worriedly and sighted.

"Yeah but please keep in mind that you can always talk to me, if something's wrong" he said and started the engine.

I liked his protective side. It was one of the most attractive things about him. He always showed me that he cared about me. And I felt like I could always call him and he'd be there.

"Wooyoung" San suddenly said when he stopped right in front of a red traffic light. I looked at him in surprise. "Yeah?" I answered with a question mark on my face.

"May I have you number? I want you to call me if something's wrong" he asked me politely.

This man was caring, polite and intelligent. There was nothing unattractive or warning about him. The only thing that was unusual was that he was single.

"Sure, thank you" I said and typed my number into his cellphone. Right when I held his cellphone, I noticed that there wasn't anything special about it.

I knew it was wrong to take a closer look at it. But I was just too curious.
Something must've been wrong with this mysterious handsome man.

If there wasn't anything wrong with him, he would've been- perfect. And that was something pretty unusual.

His background was black, his chats were almost empty and he had only 20 contacts, mostly family. No hearts no emojis. Nothing.

I decided to be the first one he'd have saved with a heart.

'woo <3' it said now.

"Thank you. I actually wanted to ask for you number yesterday but I forgot about it. I am not much of a texting person" San admitted which didn't really surprise me.

He seemed extremity introverted. Not shy but just pretty quiet. It felt like he was a loner but he was still popular at college now.

Mostly because girls and boys fell for his dark mysterious aura and his handsome looks. But also because he seemed to be 'unreachable' since he rejected Jennie.

San stopped in front of the house my dorm was in and suddenly looked somewhere else, as if someone stood behind me. I turned around to see Yeosang standing right in front of the building. I gulped.

"Seems like you have a guest" San commented and looked at Yeosang who still didn't notice that we were in the car next to him.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him. Thanks for driving me home! And...thank you for helping me today. I am excited for the party" I said and smiled at the taller whereas he smiled back.

"You're welcome. Me too" he answered whereupon I opened the door and got out of the car. One last time I waved at San and then turned around in order to talk to Yeosang.

San started the engine extra loudly, showing off to Yeosang, which made me Yelp because Yeosang almost didn't see us but now he noticed that I just got out of someone's car.

And he also saw that this someone was no one other than Choi San himself.

"Woo?" He said in confusion. I looked at him a bit nervous and waved at him. "Hey" I mumbled and stopped right in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him and pointed at the building I lived in. The male put away his cellphone and looked at me in a serious way.

"I was waiting for you. I knew that he'd drive you home since you're so close now" Yeosang almost spatted which surprised me because usually Yeo wasn't much of a big talker.

"Well okay? And what exactly brought you here?" I tried to find out what he actually wanted from me. It was weird to see him this angry.

"I wanted to talk to you" he just simply said. I raised an eyebrow and nodded. We went up to my dorm and I opened it with my keys. Felix, my roommate, was at his boyfriend's so we were alone.

"So let's talk I guess" I said and sat down on my cozy bed. I expected Yeosang to sit down too but he just stayed right in front of me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh my god..tell me what's wrong. You're acting strange" I commented and looked up to him. The male furrowed his eyebrows but then his gaze got softer

"It's just. I think something's wrong about San. And I feel like you're jog being as careful as you should be. You know him since yesterday and already get into his car" Yeosang suddenly started.

I sighted and looked at the taller.

"Listen, I know it may seems weird. But San's just so caring and nice. He'd never do anything to me" I tried to explain to him.

"Woo I don't know. He's just so harsh and aggressive. The way he talked to me on his first day, the way he rejected Jennie...it's weird" yeosang said.

"So just because he turned down a pretty girl he's weird?" I asked Yeosang a bit confused.

I could feel that he was worried but I just couldn't believe that San was a bad person. San was maybe a bit too protective or aggressive sometimes but he wasn't a bad person.

"No that's not what I mean. Woo he has intentions. I can tell" yeosang said and sat down next to me. I looked at he male.

"Yeosang please just leave it. San helped me a lot and I don't want you to speculate on his intentions" I replied and got up in order to get myself a can of sprite.

"Sorry" Yeosang simply said and leaned back. I just showed him a soft smile and sat down on the small couch. "It's fine, I know that you're just worried" I said

"You can't imagine" yeosang replied

After a while, Yeosang left because we both needed to get ready for the party. But in my mind I was just thinking about San and how he protected me today.

I just knew him for two days but I gad instantly fallen for this man.

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