52. The Dragons of Days Past

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The amount of support this story has gotten in the past few days is absolutely mind-blowing. The votes and comments roll in seemingly non-stop and the reads are going up so fast that the 69k special will probably be out by the end of the week. It's wild. Thank you so much for your continual support. This is unreal.

This chapter jumps around a lot. It was supposed to be done in two parts but I couldn't find a satisfying place to cut it. According to Wattpad, this will take close to an hour to read. I'm so sorry.

I didn't edit as thoroughly as I usually do, I have a project due by midnight that I have yet to start. So if you notice any mistakes or discrepancies, please let me know.


The Domus Flau was dead silent. No one dared speak a word as they watched the four dragon slayers make their way out onto the arena floor.

"And now, at long last, we've come to the battle that everyone's been waiting for. One guild that was considered to be the strongest in Fiore seven years ago, and the other that currently holds the title... This is going to be a great match, it's Fairy Tail's Natsu and Gajeel, versus Sabertooths Sting and Rogue. We're about to witness a showdown of epic proportions. These aren't just wizards. These are dragon slayers. The crowd is getting super hyped up and I don't blame them!"

"Get some hits in for us too!"Laxus called down to the two dragons on the arena floor.

Erza cupped her hands over her mouth. "Win this one for Fairy Tail!"

"Beat their sorry asses underground!" Y/n shouted.

"This is it, ladies and gentlemen, the dragon slayers are on the battlefield. The only question is who will be triumphant, the fairies or the tigers?"


The battle had indeed been epic. It was full of action, the odds appearing to shift every other second. Sting and Rogue's White and Shadow Drives were truly impressive, as were their abilities to access their dragon force at will. But in the end, it was Natsu who, after knocking Gajeel into a minecart and pushing him away, reigned victorious.

Fairy Tail took first place with forty-five points, bumping Sabertooth down to second with forty-four. Gajeels words from Chariots echoed through y/n's mind, 'one point is nothing to scoff at, kid'.

The crowd went wild. Makarov looked close to tears.

The bar was absolute chaos that night, in the most amazing way. Beer flowed and tables flew. People cheered and laughed, telling stories and singing songs so off-key that it was impossible to know what they were signing. Y/n was pretty sure that they were all singing different songs, but she didn't have the heart to tell them that.

She sat at a table near the door, chatting idly with Lucy as they watched Natsu and Gray roll around on the floor.

"Auntie y/n! Auntie y/n!"

She turned at the sound of her name, smiling at the small girl who approached. "Yes, Asuka?"

"This is for you!" Asuka cheered, dark eyes shining excitedly. She held out a folded piece of paper, the edges worn and bent.

Y/n took it with gentle hands and unfolded it with care. It was a brightly coloured crayon drawing. Various colours and shapes swirled around the page in messy lines and coils, magic if y/n had to guess. A figure with h/c hair was arching through the air, high above a bald man whose face was composed solely of furrowed brows and pointy teeth. The arrow pointing to him read Joor-ah. The arrow pointed towards the airborne figure read, y/n.

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