Chapter 6

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(16 years old - a few weeks after the party)

It was early morning, before classes, the chilly morning fall air brushing against my face. I had on a light faded lilac blouse and smooth black trousers accompanied by a warm black trench coat. I was talking with Saul as we wandered through the maze on campus. When suddenly there was the sound of crunching branches from a nearby bush and we were both instantly on high alert, I could tell it wasn't just an eavesdropper it felt different, in a way I couldn't quite grasp. Another crack. In an instant Saul had drawn a small knife he kept on him at all times and with his free hand had shoved me behind him. "Be careful" I voiced my concern, only for it to come out barely audible, Saul gave my arm a small reassuring squeeze. Just then a big black, almost scorched looking monster with claws for hands jumped out from the bush. I stumbled back a few steps in shock, as did Saul. A small knife and my uncontrolled powers were no match for this creature and Saul realised that too. "Run." He shouted as we both took off in a run towards the school.

We made it to the school unsure of where the creature was, and quickly made our way to Rosalind's office not even bothering to knock. She looked up from the few papers on her desk with an unimpressed look.

Rosalind: Can I help the two of you?

"Ther-there's this thing. Outside." I said, still trying to catch my breath

Saul: It looked scorched.

At Saul's words the room felt colder. Rosalind's expression, still annoyed, let in a jab of fear. She rushed past us without saying another word. I looked at Saul, the fear still visible in my eyes. He pulled me into a tight hug, his chin resting on the top of my head as I buried my face into his shoulder trying not to let the tears break free.

"It'll be alright" He whispered soothingly, rubbing circles on my back, "Let's get you back to your suite. I nodded and slowly we made our way to my suite.


AN- I AM SO SORRY!!!! This chapter was reaaallllyyy short, I know and I feel really bad but I wanted the next two 'memories' to be in the same chapter and I had nothing else to put in here that fit into the story line I created. Again, rly sorry!

But I am leaving on a trip and won't be able to publish on Monday like normal so here is a lil piece to tide you over until I return!

A Lifetime Agoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن